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Choose your warrior:
- @StandardNotes
- 🛡️
- @joplinapp
All of these are open source, private and encrypted. Of course, Notesnook is still the best 😉
#notetaking, #privacy, #security, #notesnook, #opensource
I don’t understand why these Google alternatives don’t lean hard on actually replacing Google’s services.
Myself as an example; if Notesnook had collaboration, I’d switch in a heartbeat.
Thr main use-case for an app like this for me is in things like grocery lists, to-do lists etc, all of which are impossible or annoying to do with Notesnook.
For general offline notes that need to be encrypted there are other solutions I’d rather use. I’d like if I could just use one app for it.
Me and my partner would HAPPILY pay for an app to get out of Google’S clutches.
There’s money on the table, but they ain’t counting it yet.
Have you looked into AnyList? Nevermind, I don’t think they are 100% private. Forgot what sub I was in.
Where’s Zettlr & LogSeq ?
I have multiple notes apps but one thing that’s prevented me from ditching keep is that I have dozens of old notes which I’d like to transfer to the replacement app.
I’m pretty tech savvy but have had a look and couldn’t find an easy way to export my notes from keep. Anyone have any advice?
Obsidian imports keep notes and does a good job. Its not open source but does store locally as markdown files, and is the only notes app I’ve tried that I really like so far.
I’ve spent a lot of time manually moving my notes into Obsidian. Not done yet but it’s quite therapeutic when I sit down to do and I rediscover a lot of cool things I decided to jot down years ago
I started out using obsidian and it’s pretty decent, but honestly Joplin is my favorite so far.
I tried logseq and absolutely fucking hated it.
The best note taking tool for privacy is one of those physical journals with a lock on it.
I switched from Win10 to Fedora Linux yesterday. Any recommendations for a note taking app that runs locally on my computer? I know nothing about Linux but I got upset because Windows started showing ads on my login screen.
Obsidian, I truly believe this is the answer on most popular operating systems, not just Linux.
Tiddlywiki with the Stroll extension for backlinks. Stored as one big encrypted file you can lob onto a network drive etc. Mine is in Dropbox.
Can’t really use it across devices safely though, or at least I haven’t tried.
no links
I’m a happy Obsidian user. It’s not open source but really good.
Seconded. I’m not terribly happy it’s closed-source, but the team seems quite ethical in their approach to software development and user privacy, and for anyone not in the know about Obsidian, the big highlights that still make it worth it for me are:
- Markdown formatted notes (standard format you can port across many different kinds of apps, especially useful as an exit strategy if Obsidian ever enshittifies)
- Plugins & Themes (Add basically any arbitrary functionality or looks you need, from structured query languages to analyze your notes, to automatic image format converters)
- Note Linking (being able to link your notes like so:
[[Name of Note]]
(shows asName of Note
in reading mode) so you can easily structure your knowledge, and build relationships between notes
And with Obsidian I still own my files, which are just in markdown and can be read by literally any other program.
Same. Although I’d love a fully open source, non-electron alternative.
I don’t know about electron but I tried Logseq because Obsidians license didn’t work for me. It’s open source and markdown files too
I saw that mentioned elsewhere in the comments. I definitely plan on checking it out.
Also now free for commercial use!
I am a happy MediaWiki user and it’s FOSS.
I’m also a big fan of Obsidian.
Shoutout to Logseq (AGPL licensed)
Found it was perfect for my ADHD.
This looks absolutely amazing. It addresses a lot of the problems I have with traditional notebooks. I have often joked/lamented that my problem is not that my brain’s library wants for books, but rather for shelves. This looks like a shelving system my brain might work with. Thank you, sincerely, for posting.
What makes it different in regard to your ADHD?
Unlike every other note app I’ve ever used, you don’t need to organize things manually or manage an organizational hierarchy (like folders, etc). That’s where I always fall over in other apps, eventually. Organization happens automatically in Logseq.
It gives you a new, date-stamped journal entry everyday, and you jot down notes in that. You can link to other pages just by adding a hashtag or using 2 square brackets around some text. Each link/hashtag is automatically given its own page, and if you visit it, you’ll see all your mentions of this page, neatly organized in a chronological order by the date. So think about daily work on a project/goal, or anything around a specific topic, all of it is automatically organized for you.
Under the hood, all the links form a graph and Logseq is backed by a graph database, so it visualizes this graph for you and gives you some powerful querying tools on top of it too.
this is why I abused the sitcky notes app on windows, no structure at all, just open one and type what you need
That sounds like obsidian, i assume both use markdown. Have you ever tested exporting/importing from one to the other?
May I ask how did it help you?
I chose Nextcloud Notes because I already have it anyway, and it’s good enough for me.
Just a friendly reminder that if you use an external nextcloud, that it is most likely unencrypted. The recommendations in the post body (or my own, like using are probably a better choice if you are not self hosting nextcloud yourself.
However if you are self hosting it, it should be fine 👍 KIM these are just recommendations :)
Jup, the main requirement for a notes app was that I was already selfhosting it :3
Just checking, glad you enjoy it :D
I like Joplin, and I’ll use Standard Notes as soon as I don’t have to pay extra, I’m already paying Proton.
What’s everyone’s goto app for sharing notes with others? I’m looking for something to share grocery lists and whatnot with my SO, and I want as little friction as possible.
I have some self-hosted services, but I didn’t like NextCloud notes and one or two others I’ve tried. It doesn’t need to be fancy, but I would very much like checkboxes that I can… check. I don’t need users, and honestly, no user accounts could be super nice, just attach a URL and go for it.
So yeah, slight preference for self-hostable services, but I’m fine with anything, provided it’s reasonably privacy friendly (nobody else needs to know the quantity or size of our sex toys lol).
Memos might work, I had it running for a week or two and it works well, very Google Keep like if that’s what you’re after. Edit woops, forgot the link lol
Seconding Memos!
There’s no official phone app, but I’ve been using Moe Memos and liking it. They have a list of 3rd party apps here:
Take a look at the sandstorm platform. The Laverna app is a great option in my opinion.
Is this really true about Keep? I mean, I know it’s a Google product, but is it really that insecure? I’ve never heard much negative stuff about it.
By merit of it being owned by google, it is insecure.
Your notes are (or at least were 4 years ago when I last used it) stored in plaintext on your gmail under the notes tag. You don’t hear negative stuff about it because 99% of people don’t use notes for sensitive info, or even things they care about. It is also not a high profile app like messaging apps. It is just something everyone assumes is completely fine.
Google wants my shopping list and honey do lists that’s shared between my wife and I? Ok enjoy, wanna come help paint my office?
Yeah and google already knows what groceries I buy if I use a discount card anyway.