Lawful Good:
Foresight to convince the smart, powerful people that they’re making bad decisions, influence them to make better decisions for the world, only use it for enough personal gain to sustain a decent living.
Neutral Good:
Mass Suggestion Convince the dumb powerful people I’m a divine being and they better do as I say, use this power to force positive change amongst the easiest to control masses. Collection plates at churches now go to me.
Chaotic Good:
Gate, Use teleportation to extort billionaires by witnessing their depravity and threatening them with exposure, also portal tech. become Rick Sanchez. Rob swiss banks for fun and profit.
Lawful Evil:
Meteor Swarm: Hold cities hostage for ransom.
Chaotic Evil:
True Polymorph: I’m going to start turning politicians into lizards. For cash I’ll turn random shit into itself but but made out of a different material and auction if off, passing myself off as a great artist of incredible talent.
Edit because I forgot about the money half way through.
I like how as you descend into evil and madness you increasingly discard the “don’t draw attention to yourself” part and with chaotic evil the wealth generation aspect is pretty much forgotten. The progression feels right.
Not the richest fastest but probably nice and discreet: electronics repair shop using mending.
Teleport from children’s hospital to children’s hospital casting heal.
DM says no
Fine raise the dead.
Wish is an easy one, since it can be used to cast most of the other spells talked about here
Clone, immortality without any of the normal downsides (I can choose to die still and don’t need souls or any bs like that)
Identify and go pawn shop hunting and the like
Really most divination spells would be solid for stock market manipulation
Enchantment spells for manipulating the corporate ladder, or getting into politics or something (mass suggestion in the really any political nexus, geus for more targeted things, modify memory, etc).
Healing and revivification spells and sell my services to the elite, bring back the dead, speak to loved ones, etc. Clone works well here too, especially since it has age manipulation.