Black belt in Mikado, Photo model, for the photos where they put under ‘BEFORE’
Yes, if it tries to escape from the plate.
Phones are spyware by definition
Too much 404 Brains in the US
Science is important, it helps us solve many of the problems we do not have without science
Someone still use that?
It’s not so easy to detect a steganographic message in a photo, soundfile or video, it’s only detectable with specific apps. But the main reason is that goverments and security services first need a suspicion that these cute catphoto or an selfi of this guy in a beach is an secret message to make this analyse, much more likely to be suspicious of an encrypted message not feddable. This is surely more interesting to perform an in -depth analysis, instead of wasting time with thousands of vacations, selfies and kitten photos or analyzing the sound archive of your son playing Happy Birthday on his flute.
Murena mail, Nextcloud mail, Tuta, Proton, aything is better as GMail, only Hotmail is worse.
Using an mail service which send mails with an setted delay, to send it with an “I have arrived well” to friends and family after my death.
LLO, but this isn’t the way how steganography works. In a photo any pixel has a hex value, a minimal change to another value of one or some bits can’t be seen by an human and so the change of several pixels to an predefined value can hide an message, beeing invisible by sight, but readable by an corresponding app.
For every dirty trick to obtain user data used by govs and companies, exist an dev which release an measure to show them the middle finger. It’s so since more than 20 years.
Also innocent cat photos, a piece of music or in a voice message, in all of these you can encrypt hidden messages.
In 2026 good old steganographic messages, like in North Corea
Infrarojo is different from light visible only by wavelength and energy.
Nothing to do with intelligent design, evolution is a self -regulating process due to environmental conditions. Given that the life of a human being is relatively long, naturally last generational evolutionary changes in a very complex organism, due to viable positive genetic variations, where a 99.99% is not, much longer until optimization. Somewhat more than 2 millon years isn’t enough for this, less with continuous changes in the environment and conditions. Simple organism with a short life cycle can optimize in days, but complex organism like humans can’t. Other beings have needed hundreds of millions of years for a perfect body, but with the price of already have the veto of evolving more. After perfection there can only be decay.
Now in feet and miles
How much in Inch?
It seems an Hot Dog to me
You can’t with an OS full controlled by Google or Apple. You can only alleviate the problem, using alternatives, such as LinageOS, Ubuntu Mobile, de-googled Android or another distro, but only if you have root access.