I’ve messed around with Linux before, mostly in VMs, but I’m looking to switch over from Windows permanently on my laptop because I think Linux is cool. Most people in this community talk about pros and cons of this distro or this other distro, but I’d like to hear your opinions based on entirely subjective factors.
I think Arch is neat, I think Ubuntu isn’t as neat, why? Who knows. Tell me about how you chose a specific distro because you thought the name was cool or because it ships with some completely unknown utility no one uses.

  • whatsgoingdom
    11 months ago

    I made the switch a few days ago. At the moment I’m running a dual boot setup as unfortunately I can’t completely drop Windows for work sessions. I settled on Linux Mint as I couldn’t get Nobara (a fedora fork or sth) to run stable.

    I have no experience with Linux (except for owning a steam deck and using live CDs some years ago), so I was looking for sth simple and able to run games.

    I’ve been doing more tweaking than I thought but that’s mainly due to my hardware, e.g. getting the stream deck and the rodecaster to run. I’ve learned a bunch of stuff while tinkering with all of this and I can recommend Linux Mint due to its ease of use and very large community where someone probably had your exact problem before and even documented it in some way.

    Can’t say much about other distros but I don’t think I’ll switch to another any time soon.