Nur mäßig interessant, aber erheiternd: die Macher der Unity-Engine hätten gerne jedes Mal Geld, wenn ein mit der Engine erstelltes Spiel installiert wird. Das Konzept dahinter scheinen die Unity-Macher allerdings selbst noch nicht wirklich durchdacht zu haben. Punkte wie erneute Installationen, kostenlose Bundles, Key Reseller, Raubkopien sowie die grundlegende Datenerhebung lassen darauf schließen.

    1 year ago

    2.2 Shitstorm vorraussehen
    2.3 Aktien vorher verkaufen bevor der Kurs einbricht

    Unity Geschäftsführung:

    Rami Ismail

    “Unity should not be able to retroactively change the terms and conditions on products or sales you’ve already made,” he wrote in a thread, emphasising in another reply that although the fee does not come into effect until 2024, it would still affect games released in recent years.

    “Them making this move says they’re willing to, and that should be terrifying.”

    He added: "Unity should not charge developers or their partners (including publishers or distributors) for things that earn no revenue and/or are outside of their control. ‘Installs’ cannot be controlled or limited, and means licensing a copy, sale or not, creates a perpetual financial risk.

    “It comes down to trust. I don’t think practically many devs will be bankrupted by this, but any system that is sprung on developers that allows them to be financially harmed in any way by their success should not be tolerated by any business looking to build a sustainable future.”