I know that there are countless amount of movies/games soundtracks with leitmotifs, but other than that I’ve never found albums with leitmotifs.

  • DoctorNerd@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    A Thousand Suns by Linkin Park is a concept album about (nuclear) warfare and the threat of technology to humankind. It starts with an intro song in which the lyrics reference the penultimate song, The Catalyst. And that song itself has an intro track that references back to one of the first songs on the album, Burning In The Skies. The album connects itself back to front and the other way around.

    Also, midway through the album, there’s a track named Wisdom, Justice and Love, which features a speech by MLK, that gets progressively more distorted as it goes on, going from his normal voice to a completely robotic voice. In the intro to The Catalyst, the exact opposite thing happens, with the lyrics and melody going from robotic to natural sounding. Both these movements are a reference to the thematics of humanity vs. technology.

    It’s a masterful, underrated album. One of my favourites of all time.