Download and install the APK through Downloader app or USB, only takes a few mins following instructions.
Devs keep it very regularly up to date. SponsorBlock included. Many excellent additional features making it way better at being YouTube than the YouTube app could ever be.
That’s not the official site. It has an old version (July 2024) and the file might contain malware. You can safely download the latest version from GitHub and find their updated guide there.
SmartTube if it’s an Android TV.
Download and install the APK through Downloader app or USB, only takes a few mins following instructions.
Devs keep it very regularly up to date. SponsorBlock included. Many excellent additional features making it way better at being YouTube than the YouTube app could ever be.
That’s not the official site. It has an old version (July 2024) and the file might contain malware. You can safely download the latest version from GitHub and find their updated guide there.
If you don’t want to use Github, you can use the site they have linked to which is