Smoking everywhere and anywhere. Younger folks have no idea how ubiquitous it was, not to sound boomerish, but everything smelled so bad, and people would smoke in places that would shock you now, like in hospitals they would smoke in the nurses station, if you walked into a clothing store at the mall they’d be smoking at the counter, etc. Even when they did things like making that glass room for smokers at Tim Hortons, I once saw a woman sitting in there with her toddler in a stroller puffing away. It was actually amazing that anyone put a stop to public smoking because so many people did it.
Not to parrot everyone else but, Smoking for sure. The damn smell.
Another is probally lead based products. Such a health risk and was so pointless
I’m so fucking glad we’ve stopped calling women “hysterical” whenever we don’t believe them. That word is so blatantly misogynistic and it seems to be dying out now.
Leaded gas.
Objectively, dial-up.
Otoh, what I would really badly like to become a thing again is actual media ownership, ie. not having streaming services randomly yank your stuff away from you.
Also, I would nominate the fact that the ‘It’s obsolete as soon as you get it in the door’ meme hasn’t been valid for decades now, but hardware manufacturers, Windows itself, and the game industry are trying really hard to make that a thing again seemingly.
Yup! Spotify removing things off my playlists was a big initial factor into me getting into self hosting. All my music streams through Plex now and I haven’t looked back
Even DRM-free storefronts like 7Digital for music or GOG for games aren’t immune to random delistings.
The Nazis.
white dog poop
For anyone that doesn’t know, dog food used to contain a lot of bone meal; as dog poop degraded (?), the bone meal would remain. Hence white dog poop. I think that this changed due to tighter regulations on pet food.
This is probably completely uninteresting to everyone else, but this has re-surfaced an old memory for me. I had a really dull data entry job one summer, and the crowd I worked with included a few odd figures. One particular guy was always making jokes that were just a bit too edgy for the workplace, especially amongst a bunch of people that didn’t know him well enough to know how much he meant any of it. For some reason, completely unprompted, he brought up that “you never see white dog turds any more”. Everyone heard this as “white doctors” and immediately winced in anticipation of some incoming racism, and everyone still heard it that way when he tried to clarify several times. Turns out no, it was 100% innocent, just weird.
He was fired for unrelated reasons a few weeks later; he had gone to the nearby pub on his lunch break and had several pints
It’s not “gone”, but the notion of it being “acceptable” is gone:
Using ‘retard’ as a slur, not only for people with intellectual disabilities but also just for people or things you think were stupid.
Using ‘retard’ as a slur, not only for people with intellectual disabilities
That’s actually the one group of people I’ve never seen anyone call that, lol.
Sadly that slur’s starting to become in vogue again ⚰
I was gonna say the same. I saw the R word casually dropped in a CRT enthusiast group the other day and called the guy out, and a bunch of people stood with me, but nearly as many brushed it off as no big deal.
Worst part ? Seen LEFTISTS say it wen clearly they should know better ❗❗ And in my experience see it on tumblr more than any where else
Oar wat about “sch⬛⬛⬛” ⁉️⁉️ Wen we’ll ever move past describing (peop|thing)s using ableist words
I have no idea what word you’re redacting there. “School”?
I’ll update my slurs list. That’s an entirely new one on me.
Another person with a slurs list?!
I keep mine in a little book in my font pocket so its close to my heart.
Might need to go digital soon, its almost full.
Women having to get husband’s permission to open a bank account (speaking of the US).
Not 100% gone yet, but gas powered yard tools are dying. Battery powered tools are just better in 99% of use cases.
Two stroke engines do seem dead though which is awesome, because mixed gas was a massive pain in the ass.
The fumes and noise of those little engines makes me excited that the battery versions are taking over.
Love my electric chainsaw except for in winter. Battery life is horrible.
I’m perfectly content with my little electric chainsaw. Basically I only ever use it if a tree dies or falls in a storm, it actually starts unlike the gas ones I’ve had…It wouldn’t be up to the task of chopping enough wood to heat my house through the winter but for occasional use it’s better than gas.
I do use a chainsaw for cutting wood to heat. (Although this winter is unpleasantly warm. Thanks, climate change…) There is definitely no way that any electric saw would be able to keep up, esp. since you can’t readily drag 500y of extension cord behind you. Chainsaws could absolutely be made cleaner though. Unfortunately, I think that 2-stroke engines have a much higher power:weight ratio than 4-stroke, so we’re stuck using gas mixed with oil, which pumps out smog.
I kinda wonder if it would be possible to make a 2 stroke engine that doesn’t burn its own oil. Like, essentially supercharge it. Use an impeller on the flywheel to pump air into the cylinder so that the crankcase could be full of heavy oil. Though that might not work with a chainsaw since it has to be held at various angles.
Since you don’t have a timing chain on a two stroke, you’d need something else to run a fuel pump.
If engine design interests you, there’s a lot of neat stuff in this channel.
That throws a “this video isn’t available anymore” page.
If that doesn’t work, the channel on YouTuber is “Driving 4 Answers”, and the title of the video is, “The Only Video You’ll Ever Need to Watch to Know how 4 Stroke and 2 Stroke Engines Work and Differ”.
George W. Bush’s presidency. I don’t know what the kids are smoking when they say current republicans make him look “classy” or that Trump’s first term was worse than his. He bred a constant state of paranoia and xenophobia and used it to justify killing countless people in the middle east. The damage done to that part of the world is staggering and everyone just treats it like background noise.
Also that decade post-SpongeBob where every kid’s cartoon was about a loud, annoying, dumb guy.
Imagine being 6 years old and your mother hugging you while crying. You have no electricity. It’s night time. Artillery shell explosions followed by the crumbling buildings and injured crying in pain are the only break you get from your mother’s sounds of sobbing. They’re destroying your entire block, but what you feel is terror. You can look out a window and see flashes. You don’t even know what politics or weapons of mass destruction. You’re just there scared until you die. You wonder what you did for this to happen. Now imagine hundreds of that same experience per night.
That never makes it into the news. I would love to see people’s responses. Show the child and mother live. Then, people are randomly asked, “Push button to kill this person immediately or you will be put in jail and shamed for life.” Let’s see how they react to that guilt for eternity.
There’s a quote from Game of Thrones that I think of often. The setting is that 3 brutal high-class leaders have to decide which one of them will die as punishment. They start getting nervous, so Tyrion says:
It always seems a bit abstract, doesn’t it, other people dying?
I find it validating.
GWB definitely had a scarier presidency than Trumps first term for sure. but this second term is unlike anything I’ve ever seen
CRT displays.
Medicine in general has gotten a lot better. I’m also able to buy stuff like silken tofu without having to drive quite far to find a specialty store that sells it.
Vinyl (for music, not floors).
I don’t care much about the supposed fidelity, but having a group of mates around each pick an album from my stack is a lot of fun.
It stops people from focusing too hard on the music and going “oh wait lemme queue up this track” etc.