I still remember when someone came to /r/Wicked_Edge, a subreddit about straight razors, and asked to compare two disposable brands. People were as kind as possible.
I don’t know, one guy has a real problem that needs to be addressed. The other guy is mad because people got mad at him for cosplaying an ethnic identity.
same feeling as: “wow very judgemental community here” lmao
I still remember when someone came to /r/Wicked_Edge, a subreddit about straight razors, and asked to compare two disposable brands. People were as kind as possible.
Not to be confused with /r/straightedge, which is about drug-less Punk.
lmao I wonder if he’s one of those guys who believes it’s gay to wipe your ass
I don’t know, one guy has a real problem that needs to be addressed. The other guy is mad because people got mad at him for cosplaying an ethnic identity.