From the new terms:

When you upload or input information through Firefox, you hereby grant us a nonexclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license to use that information to help you navigate, experience, and interact with online content as you indicate with your use of Firefox.

    5 days ago

    Before everyone freaks out over “terms of use = Firefox bad now” (I’m citing the actual Terms of Use and Privacy Notice)

    I’ll add emphasis as needed.

    You give Mozilla all rights necessary to operate Firefox, including processing data as we describe in the Firefox Privacy Notice, as well as acting on your behalf to help you navigate the internet. When you upload or input information through Firefox, you hereby grant us a nonexclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license to use that information to help you navigate, experience, and interact with online content as you indicate with your use of Firefox.

    This doesn’t mean you’re giving them a license to do whatever they want with your data, it means you’re giving them the ability to use that data explicitly as you choose to navigate the web. (e.g. you use Firefox to make a post, they have to process those keystrokes through Firefox to send it to the server, and thus could require permission to do that in the form of having a license)

    They explicitly have the license only to use the information in line “with your use of Firefox,” and to “navigate, experience, and interact with online content.” not to do whatever they want. They should have worded this better, but this isn’t one of those “we own everything you ever put in your browser” kind of clauses.

    If you give Mozilla any ideas, suggestions, or feedback about the Services, you give Mozilla permission to use them for free and without any additional obligations.

    This is standard on basically every site, and kind of obvious. You shouldn’t be able to say “you should do this thing,” have them do it, and then say “actually I own the license to this and you have to pay me”

    These Terms apply until either you or Mozilla decide to end them. You can choose to end them at any time for any reason by stopping your use of Firefox. Mozilla can suspend or end anyone’s access to Firefox at any time for any reason, including if Mozilla decides not to offer Firefox anymore. If we decide to suspend or end your access, we will try to notify you at the email address associated with your account or the next time you attempt to access your account.

    Nothing requires you to stay in this contract after you stop using the services, and this is just reaffirming the fact that, yes, they can stop offering Firefox in the future if they simply can’t sustain it, without somehow breaking contract. More legalese just to protect them from frivolous lawsuits.

    Your use of Firefox must follow Mozilla’s Acceptable Use Policy, and you agree that you will not use Firefox to infringe anyone’s rights or violate any applicable laws or regulations.

    You agree to indemnify and hold Mozilla and its affiliates harmless for any liability or claim from your use of Firefox, to the extent permitted by applicable law.

    This basically just means “don’t do crimes using our browser.” Again, standard clause that basically everything has to make sure that nobody can claim in court that Firefox/Mozilla is liable for something a user did with their software.

    To the extent permitted by applicable law, you agree that Mozilla will not be liable in any way for any inability to use Firefox or for any limitations of Firefox. Mozilla specifically disclaims the following: Indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or exemplary damages, direct or indirect damages for loss of goodwill, business interruption, lost profits, loss of data, or computer malfunction. Any liability for Mozilla under this agreement is limited to $500.

    Standard liability clause, basically everything also has this.

    And that’s it. That’s the terms of use. Nothing here is out of the ordinary, uncalled for, or unreasonable for them to have.

    Now let’s move on to the new Privacy Notice.

    You have the option to use a third-party AI chatbot of your choice to help you with things like summarizing what you’re reading, writing and brainstorming ideas, subject to that provider’s terms of use and privacy notice.

    If you choose to enable a chatbot in the sidebar and/or through a shortcut, Mozilla does not have access to your conversations or the underlying content you input into the selected chatbot. We do collect technical and interaction data on how this feature is used to help improve Firefox, such as how often each third-party chatbot provider is chosen, how often suggested prompts are used, and the length of selected text.

    This just states that if you use the chatbots, you’re subject to their policies, and also Mozilla will collect very light amounts of data to understand how often and to what degree the feature is used. The first part is functionally no different from saying “If you go to OpenAI’s website and use ChatGPT, you’ll be bound by their ToS.” Yeah, of course you will, that’s obvious.

    Review Checker is a Firefox feature that helps you determine whether reviews are reliable when you shop online with sites like, and If you opt in to using Review Checker, Mozilla will process information about the website and the product identifier of the products you view using our privacy preserving technology called OHTTP. OHTTP combines encryption and a third party intermediary server, helping prevent Mozilla from linking you or your device to the products you have viewed. We also collect technical and interaction data on how this feature is used to help improve Firefox.

    By opting in to using Review Checker you also agree to be shown product recommendations and sponsored content. If you do not want to receive product recommendations and sponsored content, you can opt out of this feature under Review Checker settings at any time.

    Another optional feature that, if you choose to turn on and use yourself, will obviously have to collect data that is required for such a thing to work. It can’t check reviews if it can’t see the reviews on the website. As for the product recommendations and sponsored content, that’s not desirable, but they do very clearly mention that you can just turn it off in settings.

    You can install add-ons from (“AMO”) or from the Firefox Add-ons Manager, which is accessible from the Firefox menu button in the toolbar. We process your search queries in the Add-ons Manager to be able to provide you with suggested add-ons. If you choose to install any add-ons, Firefox will process technical, location and settings data, and periodically connect with Mozilla’s servers to install and apply the correct updates to your add-ons. We also collect technical and interaction data on usage of add-ons, to help improve Firefox.

    If you search on their site for extensions, they have to process your search, and if you need to install addons, they’ll have to connect to Mozilla’s servers and collect the relevant data to make sure the extensions are available where you are. Shocking. /s

    Mozilla runs studies within Firefox and makes certain experimental features available through Firefox Labs to test different features and ideas before they’re made available to all Firefox users or become part of the core Firefox offering — this allows us to make more informed decisions about what our users want and need. This research uses technical, system performance, location, settings and interaction data.

    We also need to process data to keep Firefox operational, improve features and performance, and identify, troubleshoot and diagnose issues. For this we use technical, location and settings data, as well as interaction and system performance data (such as number of tabs open, memory usage or the outcome of automated processes like updates). In the rare situations where the information needed also includes limited browsing data (e.g., Top Level Domain annotations for page-load performance monitoring), it will be transmitted using OHTTP; this helps prevent Mozilla from linking you or your device to the data collected for this purpose.

    This has been around for a while already. If you choose to use beta features, then yeah, they’ll collect some diagnostics. That’s why it’s in beta: to get data on if it’s working properly.

    Because maintaining the latest version of Firefox helps keep you safe against vulnerabilities, desktop versions of Firefox regularly connect to Mozilla’s servers (or another service that you used to install Firefox) to check for software updates; updates for Android and iOS versions of Firefox are managed by Google’s Play Store and Apple’s App Store, respectively.

    We also process technical data and settings data to protect against malicious add-ons. In addition to these standard processes, we use Google’s Safe Browsing Service to protect you from malicious downloads and phishing attacks, and validate web page and technical data with Certificate Authorities. As part of our work to improve privacy and security for all internet users, we collect technical data via OHTTP, to better understand, prevent and defend against fingerprinting.

    Checking for updates and providing malicious site blocking requires connecting to servers to download the updates and having a list to block bad sites. Again, very shocking. /s

    And that’s basically it for that.

    I seriously don’t understand the reactionary attitude so many people have towards things like this. Read the policies yourself, and you’ll see that their explicit purpose is either:

    1. Legally clarifying things to protect Mozilla from legal liability they shouldn’t have, and frivolous lawsuits.
    2. Making sure it’s clear that to do certain things, they have to, y’know, process the data for that thing.
    3. Explaining where different features might rely on parties outside Mozilla.

    None of this is abnormal.

      5 days ago

      Personally, I’ve never seen a Terms of Service about granting any software a license to do things on my own device before.

      • I have a monitor, I don’t think I signed a Terms of Service that says I gave it a worldwide license to function by piping video from an HDMI cable onto its panel.
      • I don’t think I signed a Terms of Service for my keyboard to send royalty-free keystroke signals to a USB port.
      • I don’t think I signed a non-exclusive license for my mouse to transfer motion detection into USB signal output either.

      Is this normal? Have I just not been looking in the right places?

        5 days ago

        I’m not an expert, so take what I say with a grain of salt, but here’s what I feel has been more and more the case… It’s interesting that the examples you set are all hardware communicating with other hardware. That is a key point because any company selling you those devices can easily defend themselves legally if you decide to sue them for using your data just by saying “how else would we get the device working? It is fundamental to read your data to make the device do what is advertised for” and the case would be dropped faster than my dog comes when I open his food. Now imagine the keyboard company is caught sending the key strokes to their servers… Without a good terms of use contract they would lose immediately against legal action. And even a terms of use contract might be considered null if it is proven to be abusive or something.

        When it comes to a software company things get a lot blurrier. It’s harder to define the needs for some actions and how things could work vs how they work. So I think it’s not uncommon to have this kind of clauses in such cases, specially for getting user data for maintenance and so on. It was less common in the past but as there are more practical cases and experience of where the law draws lines and limits this kind of additions and edits of user contracts are becoming pretty normal.

          5 days ago

          You make a fair point, and I think I did stumble into a bit of an apples and oranges comparison here.

          As far as I know, though, even software with expansive functionality – including other web browsers, and whole operating systems like Linux itself – don’t have these types of TOSes either. And if we look at Linux in particular, several flavors of it are maintained by some pretty big companies. Red Hat and Ubuntu are heavyweights in the server industry; they’re not as big as Microsoft, perhaps, but I imagine they have their own legal teams.

            5 days ago

            Yeah, absolutely, I think these changes done for Firefox are not “that” common, but they are not unheard of either. I have been trying to remember what was it the news that made me think of this kind of terms of use before, some other service doing very similar changes with similar intent. But I just can’t remember it…

            With all of this I dont intend to imply that we have nothing to worry and we can trust in Mozilla without second thought. Each of their actions need to be consider as their own and it wouldn’t be the first time they have some misstep. With that out of the way, this particular situation is not the red flag or big issue that many might immediately think it is.

            As for the reasons as to why this is happening right now, I have a couple of guesses. One is AI, and the usage of user data for their training and so on, Mozilla is just trying to clarify in legalese what they are allowed to do with our data when we use their software, likely looking towards the future to protect themselves in case it’s needed. The other guess I have for this kind of change is the current situation with IP owners and intermediaries. In essence I am talking of how ISPs and VPNs are under attack for the use of their services by their users.

            But anyway, like I said I’m no expert in legalese, this whole topic seems “OK” to me, but we’ll need to keep our eyes open for any future misconduct or overreach by Mozilla with these new terms.

        5 days ago

        You’re correct that this isn’t exactly common practice, but it does generally make sense from the stance of legal protectionism. Mozilla just wants to make sure that no maliciously inclined user can try and argue that Mozilla didn’t have a right to use the content they put in the browser, when the browser could only do what that user wanted by putting that data in.

        It’s not exactly necessary based on existing precedent, but to me at least, it seems like they’re preparing for situations where cases are brought and try to argue based on things that don’t have existing precedent. For instance, if you look at how new a lot of the arguments and defenses of AI are in court, if a user tried to argue that Mozilla didn’t have permission to send their data to an AI company if they highlighted some text and sent it to the AI sidebar, there’s a chance the court wouldn’t go based on existing precedent, and instead try to argue based on if Mozilla had a right to send that data, which this clause would then clearly, very objectively cover.

        TLDR; I personally don’t think they really needed to do it, but it doesn’t functionally change anything about what they’re capable of doing compared to before.

      5 days ago

      None of this is abnormal.

      Yes, it absolutely is. I do not say this lightly. While I’m not an attorney, I review FOSS licenses regularly for my personal projects and for work. Consider:

      • Linux Mint uses GPL2
      • LibreOffice uses MPL 2
      • Countless, countless FOSS software all use free, open-source licenses

      They all take user actions and user content. None of them have anything like this.

      This is very worrying because each of these points can be refuted with the same quotes. I’ll add my own emphasis:

      You give Mozilla all rights necessary to operate Firefox, including processing data as we describe in the Firefox Privacy Notice, as well as acting on your behalf to help you navigate the internet. When you upload or input information through Firefox, you hereby grant us a nonexclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license to use that information to help you navigate, experience, and interact with online content as you indicate with your use of Firefox.

      If Mozilla wants to limit their use of my input, why the do I need to give them a full, non-exclusive license? This is the very language that LinkedIn, et al have used to train their LLMs and said that we all gave them permission to do so. While the letter of the law that may be true, we know that if we had the option to opt out, we would have.

      This doesn’t mean you’re giving them a license to do whatever they want with your data, it means you’re giving them the ability to use that data explicitly as you choose to navigate the web.

      I’m sorry but the license does not say that is the only way they will use this data. It’s not explicit, like you claim. It’s implicit. The explicit part is “nonexclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license”. They say that it will be used to “help you navigate the internet” but what the does that mean?!

      “Navigating the internet” does not require me to grant a license. Much of this would fall under fair use and to this day, it’s fallen under fair use. And even if it did require a license, why have it be nonexclusive? Language that specifies the length of the license shall be limited to the amount of time necessary to make the connection to a website, provide the necessary services of a website, etc. would all that would be needed.

      And this is even BEFORE we get into the whole reasoning of even needing a license. The only reason you need a license from anyone is if you plan on storing, transmitting, transferring, or otherwise utilizing a right protected under copyright law. The only reason why Mozilla could possibly need a license is if they plan on storing or processing your data outside of your device. Best case scenario: they are using your data to “speed up” connections by processing it through their servers. Worst case (and more likely scenario): they want the data to train AI.

      These Terms apply until either you or Mozilla decide to end them. You can choose to end them at any time for any reason by stopping your use of Firefox. Mozilla can suspend or end anyone’s access to Firefox at any time for any reason, including if Mozilla decides not to offer Firefox anymore. If we decide to suspend or end your access, we will try to notify you at the email address associated with your account or the next time you attempt to access your account.

      Nothing requires you to stay in this contract after you stop using the services, and this is just reaffirming the fact that, yes, they can stop offering Firefox in the future if they simply can’t sustain it, without somehow breaking contract. More legalese just to protect them from frivolous lawsuits.

      While you are factually correct, Firefox is explicitly stating here that they have the right to terminate an individual’s use of their browser, a freedom that was protected under the MPL.

      Your use of Firefox must follow Mozilla’s Acceptable Use Policy, and you agree that you will not use Firefox to infringe anyone’s rights or violate any applicable laws or regulations.

      This basically just means “don’t do crimes using our browser.” Again, standard clause that basically everything has to make sure that nobody can claim in court that Firefox/Mozilla is liable for something a user did with their software.

      This part really made my brain itch so I had to dig deeper. This is worse than I initially thought: Mozilla is replacing the MPL as the governing license for their executable and replacing with their TOS.

      I’m not sure how I can read their TOS as anything but “terms of use = Firefox bad now”. You are losing your freedom under the MPL to use Firefox however you see fit. What concern does Mozilla have if I decide to use their browser for crimes? They aren’t facilitating it and under the MPL, they were protected from it. Since the TOS is now replacing the MPL, introducing an “Acceptable Use Policy” no longer makes this FOSS. It makes it Source Available.

      As an avid Firefox user for decades and a former supporter of the Mozilla Foundation, this is the last straw for me. I will not agree to use a browser where my data is going to be used by them without any exclusions.

      I hope you are right and I’m wrong. But given the current landscape, Mozilla likely feels the pressure to “do something with AI” and we’re their products. You can continue to use it, but I’m spending the weekend figuring out alternatives.

        4 days ago

        While you are factually correct, Firefox is explicitly stating here that they have the right to terminate an individual’s use of their browser, a freedom that was protected under the MPL.

        Shit, just noticed this. This means Firefox stops being FOSS and can’t any longer be distributed by several distros, right?

        I wonder if Debian is going to restart Iceweasel…

          4 days ago

          I’m not 100% sure how Firefox gets included into distros (e.g. licensing, etc.).

          I think it’s worth me making a clarification on this because I was thinking about it early this morning.

          Mozilla is making a similar distinction to their pre-built executable as Microsoft does with VS Code. Microsoft distributes VS Code binaries under a non-free (libre) license whereas their source code is licensed under MIT. VSCodium fills that gap by taking their source code and compiling it under MIT. The two versions are more-or-less the same and extensions work without any compatibility issues.

          I suspect in the near future, we’ll have something similar for Firefox where someone forks the project and keeps up with the upstream, releasing libre versions of it without the TOS.

          So to clarify: Firefox source code is still fully FOSS under their MPL2 license. Firefox executable is source available.

        5 days ago

        Linux Mint uses GPL2 LibreOffice uses MPL 2

        Those are licenses for you to use the software. They aren’t licenses for the software maintainer to use your information.

        There’s an important fact you may not know: Politicians often have no understanding of things they are regulating. Why is this important? A future privacy law could easily be written such that a browser doing browser things (like submitting a comment on an unrelated website) could be construed as the maintainer using user data. They are getting ahead of that possibility by requiring that you give them permission to do the things you want them to do.

          4 days ago

          I agree that politicians are idiots but we’re not talking about politicians.

          And even if we were, the case law around privacy pales in comparison to copyright law.

          There is no reason why a browser that sits on devices under my control requires me to give an unrestricted license to the software maintainer.

          If Mozilla wishes to bundle their AI slop and issue a separate license for that where I can disagree to my use of it, that would be one thing. But the TOS, as currently written, allows for any use of my data.

            4 days ago

            It doesn’t allow for any use of your data. It allows for use of your data to do the things you ask it to do. That permission is implied by you asking it to do something, but it isn’t explicitly stated.

            The AI clause is conditional. It only applies if you use the AI features.

      5 days ago

      If its all normal shit that is totally needed to operate then why didn’t they need an agreement before now?

        5 days ago

        Most of what I put in my comment was there beforehand. (most of it was the Privacy Notice, not the brand-new Terms of Use)

        I simply wanted to cover as much as possible since I figured most people hadn’t read the whole document. Apologies if it seemed like everything I was covering was brand new.

        To be fair though, not all of it is necessary, but it does provide a benefit such that most companies will use it because it keeps things from getting too ambiguous, legally speaking. Most of the changes Mozilla made seem to just be clarifying existing things that should generally be obvious, to ensure that any frivolous legal argument against them is very clearly able to be dismissed.

      4 days ago

      Honestly you already start at paragraph 1 with a wrong premise and then go down from there. Allow me to point you to the very beginning, to your first emphasis:

      You give Mozilla all rights necessary to operate Firefox,

      This doesn’t mean you’re giving them a license to do whatever they want with your data, it means you’re giving them the ability to use that data explicitly as you choose to navigate the web.

      Here’s the trick: they are not operating Firefox, we are. It’s a system that runs locally and under our instruction on our devices. When I type something in the URL bar, or when I click Open File, or when I mouse over the screen, Mozilla doesn’t have to do anything: everyhting happens locally. No data should be being transmitted or be processed over their systems: Firefox is not a remote desktop / “live service” application.


      And there you have it. That’s why those terms are here.

        4 days ago

        You’re not including the full relevant text. For context, let me just put the full clause here:

        You give Mozilla all rights necessary to operate Firefox, including processing data as we describe in the Firefox Privacy Notice, as well as acting on your behalf to help you navigate the internet. When you upload or input information through Firefox, you hereby grant us a nonexclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license to use that information to help you navigate, experience, and interact with online content as you indicate with your use of Firefox.

        Notice the “including processing data as we describe in the Firefox Privacy Notice” part, which means that part just clarifies their existing ability to, for instance, collect telemetry to understand how people are using the browser, and what features are used most.

        Then going forward, “as well as acting on your behalf to help you navigate the internet.” This would be any feature that relies on a Mozilla product to provide you with the ability to interact with any content on the internet. Think their Relay VPN product, any default DNS servers they apply, etc.

        However, the key part was this:

        you hereby grant us a […] license to use that information to help you navigate, experience, and interact with online content as you indicate with your use of Firefox.

        This clause effectively restricts any use of the data, to that which you explicitly indicate with your use, specifically only in the context of navigating, experiencing, and interacting with online content.

        In other words, the rights you grant are only granted:

        1. When necessary…
        2. …to make the browser function…
        3. …and specifically solely for the purpose of passing on that data to let you interact with online content, only as you personally indicate you want that data used.

        This clause does not state that Mozilla gets a license to use your data whenever, for any purpose, it states they get a license to use it only when necessary, to make the browser function, specifically only as you choose to use that data when browsing. These are completely different things.

      5 days ago

      For me the problem is the use of the phrase “to help you…” because I think that means something different, something more, than what you’re saying it means. That’s not a phrasing that evokes, to me, the deterministic nature of the way a web browser operates (or used to operate). Traditionally, I give a web browser a command and it executes it, such as “go to this web address” or “print this page” or “save this as a bookmark”. Helping me, on the other hand, would involve some processing of data to attempt to understand my desires. I don’t want Mozilla or Firefox to be doing that at all.

      Maybe it’s just “readable” language that is read much more narrowly legally to mean just what you’re saying. But maybe it opens the door for Mozilla to use it to help me experience online content by learning my habits and demographics in order to lead me to places I indicated I would be interested in by my use of the browser.

        5 days ago

        Exactly. I’m concerned they’ll use it to train an AI or something to “help me” use the internet and “make the most” of their services. I don’t want that, I want the browser to… browse, and only what I tell it I want to browse.

        5 days ago

        I understand that, but I’ve seen that language commonly used in nearly identical clauses before, and as far as I’m aware, the courts seem to interpret that as “to do the thing that’s required, or to make it more possible than otherwise,” rather than “anything they deem to be ‘helpful’”

      4 days ago

      The problem is that using vague language makes people suspect, because companies nowadays tend to move towards enshittification.

        4 days ago

        Fair enough, I get the caution honestly. Nobody wants Firefox to enshittify like everything else.

          4 days ago

          Sadly, I think it’s the road Firefox is going to take. The things in the ToS are vague, when they could easily be clarified, and that is an act of bad faith towards its users. That might give an opportunity for Mozilla to use some of the things against the userbase.

      5 days ago

      People aren’t reading the actual EULA, just a headline and maybe, if you’re extra lucky, the article where a third party tells them what to think about it.

      5 days ago

      Great analysis you did there of the terms of use and the privacy notice! Just as soon as I read the title of the post I knew people would have a knee-jerk reaction to it. We can blame them for not actually going to read exactly what it is about, but I can’t blame them for the pessimistic point of view, although it seems to be very prevalent around Lemmy where you are supposed to hate everything and everyone that does something against their opinion. I wish people would try to put more attention into not being manipulated on their opinions by every sentence they read, specially when it aligns with their beliefs.

      Again, thank you for putting the effort of sharing your opinion and checking the ToU.

        5 days ago

        I feel like everyone would have the knee jerk reaction. It’s how you think about it and actually respond that’s important.

        But that initial stomach drop feeling is pretty natural. On its own without context, that’s scary af

          5 days ago

          Oh yeah, absolutely, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have that reaction. And especially related to Mozilla, for two reasons, how important I think it is in the future of the internet and how much at risk it is from any entity that would like to have control over that and break the progress of Mozilla.

      5 days ago

      Thank you, this is a great take and exactly how I’m reading all this as well. People need to stop reacting to headlines and actually read what they’re arguing about.