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Anyone else struggling to avoid Amazon because of the price of some things? I need 3M Tegaderm for example and on Amazon it cost 28€ for 10cm by 10m roll and on other sites that are not Amazon I can only find it for pretty much double the price ( has it for 58,40€ and has it for 49,60€ Stuff like this really makes it difficult.
Anyone know where I can find this as cheap as on Amazon or at least not much more expensive?
That’s exactly what Amazon is doing and did for a long time: sell stuff at a very very low profit (or none at all) and make the competition go bust. If we would all buy it from the competitors, little by little in time the price will level - theoretically speaking.
It isn’t that bad, I started to buy locally and it’s true that sometimes it is a bit more expensive but just for a few euros, and sometimes it is the same price.
I also found that if you look for the original vendor site you’ll find it probably cheaper than amazon.
And on the other hand cancelling prime will save me 50€ a year.
Let’s not sell our souls and destroy our local economies for saving a few bucks that won’t go anywhere anyway.
Buying local, especially at brick and mortar stores, have the added benefit of keeping local commercial communities alive. Such as city centres. My local hardware store have saved me multiple times. A stroll away and I get what I need.
I agree with you up to a point. There is a difference between paying a few euros more and paying almost double. Fortunately I found an alternative shop with pretty much the same price.
And that’s the thing, you found it, yes?
As an example for Spain, the product you say it is for 35€ on Amazon:
And here for 26€:
And here for 23€:
It even beats the 28€ price you found on your amazon.
So Amazon = Cheaper is not true.
I’m currently looking for removal boxes. The biggest company charges 30 per 20 on their own site, 29 on Otto and 28 on Amazon. They also deliver much faster when you order from Amazon. I don’t have anywhere local that sells decent boxes.
It wouldn’t be an action if it didn’t require some action. It would be a non action if it didn’t require you to pay in one way or the other.
Sometimes having to pay more, is the action and is part of being more ecological, more moral, political or standing your ground
You can’t be an activist without action
I understand that but paying almost double is pretty unreasonable IMO. Fortunately with the help of some commentors I found an alternative shop with reasonable prices.
It’s a bit like going to a local shop instead of ordering online, Amazon or otherwise. It takes more time to go to the shop, it also costs something (in order to get there in person, or to pass a phone call), it also means having to meet people (which can be an issue when you’re not much into meeting people). It can also be longer to get the stuff from another shop.
It’s a choice, and it’s up to anyone to decide what they want and can do. I still use Amazon but I try to use it as little as I can. Which is already a huge change.
NL: 28 €.
If it’s available for 28 € on amazon, chances often are it is available for a similar prices elsewhere, because it means the producer is willing to sell to suppliers at a price that makes 28 € a doable selling price for them, not just for amazon.
Most of the time shipping costsmore than product or half of its price.
These were prices excluding shipping.
Not only that, but the super fast shipping included in Prime subscription, make it even harder cancel it
You’ll be amazed how fast they ship when you’re not subscribed. It’s like it’s coming the same distance from the same warehouse.
They deliberately delay sending things out just to fuck with unsubscribed customers.
That actually costs them money though. If it sits on a shelf something else can’t. I think they only delay things when they have spare capacity.
I can live without the super fast shipping to be honest. Recently I have started to always select the “Deliver later to reduce delivery trips” option on Amazon because I don’t really care when it arrives but I want to help the delivery drivers make a few trips less.
All you forget that with prime you don’t pay the shipping cost, that’s the biggest convenience in my opinion
I’d love to have an electric car, but I wouldn’t buy a Tesla if it was free.
Are these your local platforms? .eu and .com makes think no. They will be more expensive in most cases due to less optimal shipping. Look for domestic platforms.
These are the prices without shipping and they are local shops. Or local enough where shipping doesn’t matter much. But I already found a reasonably priced alternative shop.