A man drove his car into protesters outside a Tesla dealership in Palm Beach County, Florida, but did not injure any of those who had gathered to demonstrate against billionaire Elon Musk and President Donald Trump over the weekend, according to law enforcement.
Searching article for the word terrorism… Nope, even just “terr” only points me to “interrupted.”
Funny how they missed that. “Terrorism” around teslas is such popular news these days!
If the crowd had lynched the perp, you better believe it would have been terrorism.
Didn’t Florida make it so that you can run over people if you feel threatened and are a white person? If this person feels threatened vicariously through elon I’m sure the courts will say it’s A-OK
Even if they wanted to claim this, can it really extend to driving up in the sidewalk to get them? There must be some limit, right?
Before November id have said yes
I thought that was North Dakota during the pipeline protests by Native Americans when they were shutting down highways.
Imagine being so much of a simp for Elon fucking musk, that you drive your car into a crowd of people. This is for the loser who pays people play video games for him and kills poor people.
A sick delusional simp who follows Elon and right wing paid media to closely.
Rotting in prison to own the libs
Can you go in prison when it’s something you’ve done while in your car? It seems un-American to me.
That’s nonsense but it somehow makes total sense to my American brain as well.
I bet this guy wanted to get to work and if no one was injured went at a crawl to push them out of the way, Musk is likely barely inconvenienced by any of this and would still fire this guy for being late.
It happened on the weekend, and he drove onto the sidewalk. (Both in the article) Yes it was at a slow speed, but he intentionally drove his car into a crowd of people to try to force them to disperse. He clearly doesn’t believe in free speech or freedom of assembly and used a deadly weapon to force innocent people to do as he wanted.
Dude some people are just trying to get to work to pay their damn bills and not get fired for being late
You’re one of the 50% of Americans that are functionally illiterate aren’t you? It was the weekend, he drove on the sidewalk. Even if you didn’t read the article (clearly) the person you are responding to said as much in the comment you responded to. He was very clearly not on his way to work, quit defending terrorists and terrorism.
Where does it clearly say he wasn’t on the way to work it being the weekend is irrelevant is Walmart closed on the weekends most businesses are open on the weekends
They were on the sidewalk not in the road. Last time I checked cars don’t drive on the sidewalk.
Why are you assuming a protest is in the road blocking traffic.
He drove at low speed, so he was clearly aiming more for intimidation than injury. Sounds kind of like terrorism, but he’s right wing, so the only charge is assault.
He is MAGA and the two tier justice system will rule it self defense.
I don’t know about that. I bet they say the protestors were assaulting and terrorizing the poor car by getting in its way
And like that, the AI robot army they’re building gets rights.
I’m sure the GOP will be working overtime to try and brush that under the rug.
Do they even have to? All trump will have to say is that the guy is a great patriot and will invite him to next SOTU.
I can already hear him saying something like “maybe I should just change the law that says you can’t drive into protesters, who knows. maybe that’s something we’ll have to look into.”
That’s already a thing in Florida.
I mean…I honestly can’t tell if you’re getting wooshed by the original comment, or if you get it and I’m being wooshed by you.
Be given the medal of freedom and a ride in a tesla
promoted to sidewalk safety czar
Maybe we’ll get lucky and the Tesla will lock him in while it self immolates.
In Florida it’s legal to run over protestors, maybe they will make that a federal rule
Sounds kind of like terrorism
Christ. 😂
Terrorism does aim for injury though.
It can. It also may not.
its florida, you can reasonablly expect it to be a right winger.
This sounds more like chaos than terrorism to me. (edit, added:) Regardless of the car you’re in, what would you do if you found yourself surrounded by people who want to hurt the vehicle you’re driving?
Unless it’s a Cybertruck with a MAGA sticker on it, then please just assume it’s someone like you who just hasn’t found a way to get rid of their car and is probably now terrified to just go to the store.
We’ve got to temper our anger, because fury isn’t going to help anyone
He wasn’t “surrounded” by anyone until he intentionally choose to drive in to the crowd.
Regardless of the car you’re in, what would you do if you found yourself surrounded by people who want to hurt the vehicle you’re driving?
Love the exonerative tense here. He just ‘found himself’ surrounded by protestors out of the blue, not that his vehicle aimed directly at and drove through the crowd.
i skipped over the part where he deliberately drove onto the sidewalk. you’re right
Quit your bullshit. If this guy wasn’t a terrorist, he would’ve stopped and backed up before getting anywhere near the protestors.
The protest on Saturday was interrupted when Andrew Dutil drove his vehicle onto the sidewalk full of protesters at a slow speed, forcing people to scramble out of the way to avoid the being hit, according to the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office.
Dutil was arrested and faces an assault charge, according to court records. An attorney who could speak on Dutil’s behalf wasn’t immediately listed in court records.
yeah, you’re right. i must have scanned over this part, but i saw it again when you replied. he drove up onto the sidewalk.
How come you had no problem editing your original comment to add to your point, but when your entire argument gets shut down you decide to leave it up unedited?
posterity. (edited to add:) people learn and grow. i think it’s probably best to show that to others. i hope you’re not as offended by this edit.
I think the point of my comment was missed.
I have no problem with the edit, because I was referring to editing a comment to add things to the bottom, not to change the comment completely.
All one would need to do is to add a comment to the bottom of the comment saying, “I have since learned that I was wrong” or something. But you didn’t.
However, you did do that when it came to adding to your point. So clearly you’re aware of the possibility and chose to leave the disinformation up.
This is actually good debate etiquette in my opinion. I have no issue going and having the conversation however it happens, but as soon as you take my argument apart I’m gonna leave it as is so that others can see the learning opportunity that I had
I think you misunderstood…
I meant that they had no problem adding an edit to the end when it’s adding to their point, but when their entire point is shot down, they don’t add a comment indicating that everything you just read is wrong.
That is not good ettiquite, as anyone reading the conversation in passing might not make it to the part of the thread where the person realizes they were wrong and admits it. They just see the original, wrong, unedited comment.
Actually yeah, I see your point and that’s something I’ve done before. Just something like
Edit: Got this one wrong
Free speech when?
I think it says everything that needs to be said that the left’s reaction to disputes is to protest and maybe set some cars on fire, and the right’s reaction is to (try to) kill people.
ask yourself which is more effective. the right is currently winning. maybe we should adopt different strategies.
Hey that is a violent thing to say, you should be ashamed of yourself. It’s only ok to be violent if you’re a white male Republican. Get back in the crowd, they’re not done running you over yet.
i appreciate the sentiment, but we need to stop thinking we’re doing anything by highlighting their hypocrisy
Not everything I do has to be doing anything. Sometimes I’m just trying to vent. But also expressing the sentiment matters, even if it’s small. Protests usually start with venting.
protests usually accomplish nothing also.
Only if they’re peaceful 🍴
Possible people responsible for setting cars on fire.
- Protesters that got carried away.
- Bugaloo Bois, or other right-wing militia groups, trying to frame peaceful protesters as violent and/or just stir shit up, as is part of their M.O.
- Trump administration lackies trying to frame peaceful protesters as violent to justify police crackdowns.
- Tesla employees committing insurance fraud whilst trying to frame peaceful protesters as violent.
Also keep in mind it doesn’t have to be just one. With multiple events of cars on fire, all of these (and more) could be true at the same time.
The insurance fraud due to the vehicles declining value almost seems like something elon would order done. Lol
Peaceful protest does not equal attempted murder. Both sidex are not the same. How am I in the minority?
peaceful protests also accomplish nothing.
Both sidex are not the same.
That’s exactly the point.
no. the right is winning. let’s catch up.
That was literally their point.
…I don’t think it says what the driver was driving, and somehow that’s driving me crazy. I thought to look it up because I figured it’s gotta be a Tesla, but “a car” could mean any brand and another source suggests it’s a fucking Nissan Pathfinder!
Reminds me that conservative fucks don’t even drive EVs, it’s really fucking funny to me that even this guy is driving a Japanese SUV instead of a Tesler.
I mean, thank goodness it wasn’t a Tesla. Imagine if that thing had driven into the protesters and then exploded! People would definitely have been injured in that case.
At our local Tesler protests, I’ve seen very little correlation between driver’s responses and what they were driving. The vast majority were honking in support, waving, and throwing 👍, including from a couple Teslers.
Most swasticar drivers just stared straight ahead looking embarrassed. Very very few negative reactions, but they were from every kind of vehicle imaginable.
The funniest (to me) reactions were the drivers with their mouths agape and eyes wide in utter astonishment, like they had absolutely no clue what was going on. How out of touch with current events can a person be?
Most swasticar drivers just stared straight ahead looking embarrassed.
Hell yea. There was probably a point in time where many heads turned to admire their Swasticars and they took some kind of pride in that. All gone now.
The funniest (to me) reactions were the drivers with their mouths agape and eyes wide in utter astonishment, like they had absolutely no clue what was going on. How out of touch with current events can a person be?
This would explain the Tesla sells that are somehow still occurring.
Pathetic violence from the Republicans? Must be a day that ends in Y.
A peaceful group exercising their freedom of speech and assembly were met with an act of terror. Let’s see how the freedumb lovers respond!
You politely break the dumbass’s windows, the mob yanks him out of the car and press his face into the concrete until the police arrive to
save himarrest him.These jackasses think they’re immune to consequences, and that libruls snowflakes are push overs. They’ve been right.
If we don’t defend ourselves, nobody else will. Not the police, not the courts, not the politicians.
thank you. they call us soy boys and it’s beginning to look like they’re right.
intimidation has been winning america’s culture war. i think it’s time we started fighting back for real.
Trump/Elon Infatuation Syndrome (TIS)?
It wasn’t his fault the car was in full self driving mode. Totally normal operation!
He was in fact also protesting.
Trump will free him and find him a job
“Nobody was injured,” said a spokesperson, “thank God they were driving a Cybertruck and not something with some actual power and ruggedness.”
Cybertrucks are actually more dangerous to pedestrians in a collision due to their high, blunt hood and sharp corners.
Cybertrucks are also more dangerous to pedestrians on the sidewalk who can be hit with flying metal panels as they fly off the trucks at speed.
Yep, it’s big part of why they’ve not been approved for sale in the UK and probably other European countries.
it was able to slice a deer in half at certain speed.
I was just jabbing Elon. Any chance for a shot.
Were they driving a cybertruck?
I couldn’t see it mentioned in the article.
No, the guy was driving a Nissan Pathfinder.
No idea; I was just poking the Beast.
I know you are just making a joke, but Cybertrucks have way too much actual power. They have between 600 and 850 horsepower and a 0-60 time of 2.6 seconds. The problem is they weigh 11,000 pounds, so it’s hard to stop or turn them once they get going.
Ah…Florida. Understood. Go on. How many crocks did he have in the trunk? Did he claim them as his children on his taxes? Was there one in the driver’s seat eating a cigar? Well there’s your problem right there! I’ve never seen any crock driving straight while smoking a cigar, much less eating one!
Today you learned that the Florida man thing is a consequence of Florida being more transparent about arrests than other states. The same shit happens elsewhere, it’s just not reported.
… WTF!?
the panels are also so sharp when it collides with people it can just cut them into pieces.