I have been put in charge of our archery clubs technical needs. Up to this point when the coach needs to send an email to everyone he just adds them all to the To: line in the email. I cringe every time I get one of those emails… So I have been looking for something we can self host where he can have a couple of lists that a couple of us can help keep up to date for mail lists. Basically it sounds like we need a cross between mailman and listmonk. Here is the basics of what we need:

We need a web interface so that a handful of us can keep the lists up to date (in all we have less than 100 members but the lists change depending on who is going to certain meets or not)

We need coach to be able to send an email to something like members@archeryclub.com or peopleatevent1@archeryclub.com and it goes to the proper list. We do not need mail discussions like mailman has, Just one way from coach to certain members.

Having the ability to track who reads what like listmonk has would be a bonus but I am not 100% sure this is possible without having the messages sent through the web interface.

Any and all input is very much welcome.