• Kit@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    3 months ago

    There’s a Reddit community I used to visit now and then that was for ugly people. It was so toxic and hateful. These people literally believe that they can never be happy or have a relationship because they think they’re ugly - it’s their entire identity. I worry that many outcasts fall into this trap during their formative years and it warps their view of the world like the gentleman in the video.

    I think that once they get out into the real world, most folks find that looks don’t matter as much as lifestyle, personality, and compatible morals.

    • ThatWeirdGuy1001@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      I didn’t think I was ugly because I thought I was ugly. I thought I was ugly because no one wanted anything to do with me for reasons I couldn’t comprehend.

      I also noticed how “pretty” people didn’t have anywhere near as hard of a time socializing as I did. They were allowed to have bad personalities. Even if I was as kind and helpful as I could possibly be I’d never be treated the same way as a “pretty” person would.

      • Crashumbc@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        It’s one of the ugly truths of human existence, that most people won’t admit.

        “Looks” absolutely play a large role in inter-human relationships. But since it carries a lot of unpleasant things most people don’t want to admit, they either ignore it, or outright lie about it to make themselves feel better.

        The research has been done “pretty” people earn more, get more promotions, and are generally more successful at life.

        Not to say your life is over if you’re not pretty. But there is a clear advantage.

          • ThatWeirdGuy1001@lemmy.world
            3 months ago

            I think it’s more that western societies like to try to act like their instincts aren’t real. They’ll look you dead in the face and say “beauty means nothing to me!” Meanwhile their secretary is massively under qualified for the job but she got big tiddies.

            Or when a super hot woman is a total cunt but everyone let’s her get away with it because “ooh hot girl”

            It’s the same way with men I just used women as an example because I’m a dude who’s seen a lot of girls with shit personalities get treated like they can do no wrong.