I received a lot of flack in my other posts for providing this data in conjunction with his efforts to raise money. I separated this post in order to comply with the rules. https://www.reuters.com/technology/space/musks-spacex-approaches-investors-another-tender-offer-bloomberg-news-2023-12-06/
To verify the satellite data click the bottom left box that shows the fireball.
Idk how this news isn’t mainstream. A loss of 1,000 satellites before the lifespan of 5 years is a major story.
So I see two things here right off the bat. First, a loss of >= 20% seems really high. Aside from the financial implications and service impacts, we have environmental concerns of atmospheric pollution caused by launches and satellite debris. And of course, SoaceX will be permitted to externalize those costs by not having to pay for any of the effects caused or for cleanup. That will be on the taxpayers and the global population to absorb, so that SpaceX can continue to print money with no responsibility.