
  • Jagothaciv@kbin.earth
    1 month ago

    I knew Ted Dobias as he was one of my mentors at NYMA and was still there after I graduated. He said Trump was always a bully. He didn’t have anything else to say about him. I briefly met Trump and his two sons while I was there too, as NYMA had to court money to keep the place going and give parades to donors and distinguished alumni. He made his daughter stay in the limo the entire time. The entire visit was about 5 hours long. It was weird as fuck as this is a co-ed school. Anyway, he didn’t give a good vibe then and I always knew he was a scumbag fraud because the NY/NJ news always told on him because he’s crude and has no class. Also nobody likes racists and the Trump family is just a bunch of weirdos and racists. Look up their family history it’s all right there. It’s sad so many people are indoctrinated from the Apprentice. He created them through that outlet. No doubt about that.

    That said, Ted was probably just lying to him. Ted was a very smart guy. Smart enough to know not to fuck with Trump in those days as Fred was a real POS.

    NYMA got sold to the Chinese btw.