What do you use as a PayPal replacement?
What do you use as a PayPal replacement?
I don’t see a critic, I see someone trying to help.
At some point you need to choose agency and be your own parent. It takes a horrific amount of work and you need to choose agency like every fucking nanosecond which is exhausting but it’s already exhausting and horrific being depressed and screaming at yourself to stop staring at your phone and do something, anything, please, so you might as well get up and do five push-ups so you can say you moved your life 1% forward that day.
A defeatist mindset only leads to weaponizing ones incompetence, which is cancerous.
I agree with you, you need to take manageable bites to even begin to get a grip on executive dysfunction. The downvotes seem extreme.
1% more each day every day, baby.
I’ve never heard of either app, are they open source?
What distro are you on?
Still waiting for Defense Against the AI Dark Arts to drop
How you gonna post about cum metal and not link any bangers? Hook a brother up
What an edifying thread, thank you both for knowing stuff about things
Well politic’d, friend
What an amazing cheat sheet then!
I’m about to print this out to add to my pile, thanks for taking the time.
I am new to Linux, is this the current “standard” file system?
LFG Humanity! We fuckin WIN THESE go TEAM
Lyrics from the song Guillotine by the band Death Grips. No further knowledge is needed to “get it”.
Just wait until Google implements Web Environment Integrity.
We should already be in the streets and we’re not.
Great story dawg, thanks for sharing