Beruflich Web-Entwickler, privat ein Ober Nerd und Links-Grün versifft…
Musik Liebhaber, von #kpop bis #metal alles dabei
Ansonsten bin ich auch gerne mit der Kamera unterwegs.
Entwickler und Maintainer für #mbin
ich bin auch auf mastodon: @BentiGorlich
Ich betreibe, und
Ich finde es schön. Mangel an Beweise - “Den Medien sind 11,5 Millionen Dokumente zugespielt worden” 😂
I hate that there are no full dance covers yet 😁 Love the song
aus Erfahrung kann ich sagen dass sich auf den Namen der Software zu stützen auch nicht ideal ist. Zum Beispiel gibts ja jetzt ein Haufen mbin Instanzen die kbin im Namen haben… würde ich euch also nicht empfehlen Glaube mein Favorit wäre MEP for and the European Pirate Party:
Aber da ist bald NovaRock (nächste Woche glaube ich) 😳
You should be using bcrypt or something similiarly designed to hash passwords, since they are much safer than sha256/512. Sha is not designed for hashing passwords and therefore a fast algorithm which you shouldn’t use for passwords
I decided to upgrade, and so far everything is working fine. I had some hiccups after the installation, but a reboot fixed all of them. Thanks for your input :)
Nice though. Sounds like I can do the upgrade 😁
very nice
nvidia RTX 2070 super. But that was from 38 to 39. I am not on 40 yet
That doesn’t sound promising, though I am using Gnome, so at least my DE is not getting the biggest upgrade :)
Are you using KDE or Gnome?
I definitely don’t want to deal with that. Last time that happened I had to do a clean install which is just pain imo XD
what does depmod -a
i installes forge (gnome tiling manager) and that had an option for it
I just use posteo and that works with every client from everywhere. I was not saying “gmail sucks proton mail good”. I don’t use proton mail. But using gmail with their weird Folder structure I get notifications about new mail basically 3 times because it is in 3 folders at the same time… It works with their interface (and probably app) but with nothing else…
Omg you’re right, I am using the Forge extension and that had a setting for it, thank you :)
I don’t understand why anyone is using gmail as their main mail account. I really don’t like the interface and using it with 3rd party apps like thunderbird, K9 mail or any other client just sucks
My Gnome is in German and I do not know which point is meant by “Desktop”:
I did my part 😇