If the talking Cheeto said it, it must be true. Everyone one, the best people, are saying it.
If the talking Cheeto said it, it must be true. Everyone one, the best people, are saying it.
Return to office or be fired. Sell the federal buildings. Tell the DoE to work remote….totally not for doge to do shady shit. They are sending some mixed signals here. But I’m sure his worshippers are beating their meat as hard as they can to this while staring at their lifesize Trump cutout….in a totally not gay way.
Wasn’t the talking Cheeto saying something about how good the education is in Asia a few days ago and that we need to do better. This is clearly the answer. What a fucktard.
Better than the movie? Low bar, I know.
They want citizen vs citizen to keep us from realizing who the real enemy is.
Fuck em. Shut down the airports.
Shut down the border dang it! Keep us Americans safe.
It’s because they still have human targets out there that are only compatible with 2g. The humans haven’t gotten their 5g implants yet.
Who pays to go around and clean all their trash up? Or do the just go “oops, sorry” and leave it.
They selling it to blackrock. Not like this will be any better.
This has been my issue as well.
And when you sail the high seas to liberate books. You might get the actually book, without issues. You might get a file named your book, that has 17 pages of that book and then the rest is a manual to fix a car.
Thank goodness. Those poor billionaires having to suffer with taxes and things like a pleb. Disrespectful. I bet no one has even publicly thanked them for being rich today.
Good. Fuck trees. All green and helping the planet. This will own the libs.
And this is from the talking Cheeto that goes on about wanting cease fires and peace. Guess that only matters when it benefits daddy Putin.
Winning. Or the art of the deal. Or some maga cuck logic.
My company has multiple options for computers. You can choose the windows laptop. The bigger windows laptop. The other windows laptop. Or if you are a graphic designer, that one MacBook option.
Now if only the rest would quit.
Like the actives on that card aren’t tracked.
Google harvesting all your data for profits. I’m shocked. Shocked I say.
The owner failed to pay his monthly “I love musk” fee that pops up on the dashboard. A message has been sent.