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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 31st, 2023


  • Almost had one of those multi hour rounds of interviews and assessments while looking for a better job. I’m well qualified in my field and already had a few options when this particular company reached out. I agreed to an interview and they sent me multiple insanely long forms which already had my radar going.

    Then I log into the virtual interview and there’s multiple applicants. Weird again. Interviewer says we need to wait for other applicants, takes more than half an hour… Waste of my time but I had set aside an hour in my schedule for this, annoying but acceptable. THEN the interviewer says to be ready for this to take up to 4 hours and that we will be doing live, digital assessments. I logged out without saying anything.

    The company reached out to me later saying I was a top candidate based on my CV and wanted me to do the full interview on another day. I should have been up front and told them their process was fucking insane but instead I just told them I was no longer interested in the position.

  • I hate this but I also get it.

    A little while ago on the TWIT podcast one of the guests, or maybe Leo himself, was talking about how this is exactly what they want out of AI, for it to be able to know how they use their computer and just streamline everything. Some people are really excited about the possibilities, and yeah, the AI needs to track whatever you’re doing to know how to help you with your work flow.

    That said, I don’t want Microsoft keeping track of everything I’m doing. They’ve already shown that they’re willing to sell our data and shove ads down our throats, so as much as they say we can filter out what we don’t want tracked, I’m not inclined to trust or believe them.

  • Older siblings always gotta help out with the homework, the tradition lives on.

    I was always on the big brother side of this. My favorite was when my younger brother suddenly remembered they had to build a model of an imaginary animal and write a report on it the night before the due date. We stayed up while I built a model out of paper with a K’Nex skeleton and we talked about the stuff that he could write about it.

    I thought it was all really scuffed and rushed but somehow he got an A