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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Yanis Varoufakis is a performance actor who desperately tries to stay relevant by clumsily inserting himself into whatever is going on in the world. That’s all there is to him. He’s chasing the public spotlight like a dodgy personal injury lawyer is chasing ambulances.

    I’m also starting to get really tired of this baseless genocide slander that is being repeated as if it was a religious mantra. The whole idea behind accusing Israel of it is twofold: It’s meant to hurt Jews (who were victims of an actual genocide) and it’s meant to distract from the genocidal ambitions of Israel’s enemies.

  • You’re right. I’ve noticed this as early as the Bush years, with CDU and CSU closely watching what Republicans were doing and trying to (often rather clumsily) copy it. This has not slowed down. I recall I believe Söder vowing to fight “the woke” last year, which really rubbed me the wrong way. The last thing we need is American culture war nonsense poisoning German politics as well, but the floodgates have already been opened by unscrupulous politicians.

  • Diese selbsternannte antiimperialistische Partei ist nur dann gegen Imperialismus, wenn es um reale oder erfundene Vorwürfe gegen den Westen geht. Russlands und Chinas Imperialismus hingegen wird geflissentlich ignoriert und stattdessen gefällige, speichelleckende Hofberichterstattung (wie diese) über beide Diktaturen in Parteipublikationen veröffentlicht, ganz wie in alten Zeiten - obwohl keines der beiden Regime heute kommunistisch ist. Das ist mehr als nur schwer nachvollziehbar.

    So eine lächerliche Partei ist komplett unwählbar und ich finde es mehr als nur verwunderlich, dass du es anders siehst.