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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • This War of Mine. Honestly can’t believe nobody else has mentioned it.

    You play as a group of civilians in a war torn country. By day you craft things needed for survival like a stove for cooking, guns for protection, barricades to prevent raiders. At night you send one person with a backpack to scavenge an area of your choice for things like food, medicine, supplies etc. The others will either sleep or guard the property. Things you do while scavenging have real effects on your characters. Decided to rob an elderly couple? Your characters will react based on their personality.

    Things become grim fast if you decide to start robbing supplies or get attacked. Your players get sick, become depressed, starve, get hurt etc. I’ve never made it to the end.

    It’s a great way to understand the struggles of being a civilian in a war. The Polish government actually recommends it for educational purposes and the devs have donated a lot of proceeds to charities serving people impacted by war, including Ukraine most recently.

  • Propaganda does not have to have a hidden agenda. Literally the “I want you” uncle Sam poster is propaganda. That agenda was pretty obvious, there was no question who was behind it and it was pretty clear why it was commissioned in the first place.

    There has been propaganda encouraging car-pooling, reusing materials, conserving electricity, promoting employment etc, and many of them even had credits as to who the message was coming from.

    Propaganda is not inherently evil, but it’s important to understand the context and where it’s coming from.

  • American here. Would you care to explain to me how Israel can be compared to Nazis? My stupid brain can only understand Good guy vs bad guy movie tropes. Please give me a break.

    I went to public school and can clearly see the comparison between a far-right Zionist Israel and Nazism without getting tripped up on the Jews being the largest target during the Holocaust. Not only that, but with the shrinking of Palestinian owned land and illegal Israeli Settlers I can also make the comparison to Manifest Destiny and the relocation of Native American people, even though Palestinians aren’t Cherokee.

    Attempting to expand Israeli lands for Israeli jews and pushing out Palestinians with no source of aid for those displaced, as well as blocking aid and giving extremely short timelines to escape the encroaching Frontlines very much falls in line with Nazi ideology.

    The Nation of Islam and the American Nazi Party had common goals despite being mutually exclusive. I don’t think it’s that far of a stretch to compare Israel with the Nazis.

  • There are more people now than ever before. Using just the number is misleading which alienates people from caring about the issue and undermines the goal. Let’s say that in 1950 1 in 10 people died from cancer. That’s 250m people. If every year 250m died from cancer, and there was no change, that means with a current world population of 8b, the cancer death rate dropped from 10% to 3%. By looking at the raw number, it looks like nothing has changed, there has been no improvement. But looking at the percentage, we have cut cancer death rates by 70%. This is why ratios are important, it let’s you measure the progress. Are we doing better or worse? Raw numbers don’t tell you that.

    The important part of the article is that modern slavery is rising, because the percentage of slaves is increasing, which tells me the problem is getting worse. But by telling me there are more slaves now than ever before, and a quick research session tells me that that’s not the whole story, suddenly I may not think there is an issue at all. And now people don’t care and the sensationalism that was used to get people to support resolutions and invest in change has had the opposite effect which means the problem will just continue to get worse.

  • That is not what that article is saying. All of their data is on modern slavery, not all of recorded human history. 1 in 150 people equals 0.67%. If you take just the slaves in the US and the serfs in Russia in 1860 (~4m and ~27m respectively) against the estimated world population in 1860, that made up 2.25% of the population. This doesn’t include any other slaves in the rest of the world at the time.

    So yes, modern slavery is increasing and is an important issue. No, there are not more slaves now than ever before.