Diva (she/her)

I make electronic music. (she/her) 🏳️‍⚧️

Хацунэ Мику издание Уралвагонзавода

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • Making a distinction without a difference. You’re also acting like there’s some vast landscape of democratic and/or socialists out there, just waiting to spring into power. That might be true, (I doubt it) but if your position on the most important question: “Do we continue to feed innocent bystanders into the war machine” is something you all have in common you’re gonna get painted with the same brush as the rest of the more national socialists.

  • To be clear, yeah it’s for trying to browbeat people into supporting Biden, and how he treats it as a forgone conclusion that the settlers are going to get their land.

    I have zero confidence in your ability to pressure democrats, I already spent most of the Iraq war and Obamas terms getting told to fuck off because I was antiwar by my democratic reps not sure why they would suddenly have a change of heart now.

  • The part I pointed out the issue with was the implied “and we should do something about it”. You said “and this is why they must be toppled” - which implies that somebody should do something. When the entirety of recent history has been the US trying to meddle with other governments and collectively punishing the people who live there with sanctions, if not outright invading them, shock and awing their infrastructure, and setting up a government for a former expat to run.

    You are just trying to flatten everything to extremely recent events, it don’t hold up to scrutiny otherwise.