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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Yes they aren’t Libertarians that’s what started this whole debate here. They are economic liberals. Libertarians believe in public ownership of Natural Resources etc. Economic liberals on the other hand pretending to be Libertarians reject that and many other basic parts of libertarianism. But are absolutely in line and all for the part of the “Libertarian Party”.

    Pragmatically I’m anarco-communist/Libertarian. Dejacque Libertarian. Not the nutty Rothbard/Friedman Ayn Rand worshiping economic liberals. There have to be people in charge. You, strictly speaking can’t have “no rulers”. In capitalist systems especially. Someone always accumulates wealth and power. Using that to rule. Rothbard economic liberals enable those types. The only way to deter them is with the aggression principle. Under threat of death or dissolution that they must stay small, and accountable to the people they serve. Preferability enforced under the authority of groups of community councils. Or similar smaller granular governing groups that are as voluntary as possible.

    There is NO functional mechanism under Rothbard economic liberalism to fight capitalist theft and collusion. Individuals can’t effectively vote with their dollar. Not when it comes to necessities. Likewise Rothbard economic liberals have NO functional mechanisms to protect freedoms. Nor can Rothbard economic liberals accurately identity freedoms. If you have ACCESS to a freedom others do not. That’s a privilege. Often made possible via the exploitation of other weaker groups. Not a freedom. For something to be a freedom, it has to be something everyone has easy access to. Not a remote possibly of access to.

    Marxist Leninist call themselves Communists. They aren’t. Rothbard economic liberals call themselves Libertarians. They aren’t. To the credit of Rothbard economic liberals they pay lipservice to the problem of Republican social interference and oppression. To their damnation they refused we didn’t actually do anything about it. Or help impacted and oppressed groups. Often choosing to vote policy-wise with Republicans and their regressive policies over Progressive and even Democrats trying to give people real freedom. I may not agree with dresses and Democrats if they are generally capitalist. But at least they aren’t Rothbard economic liberals.

  • If that’s so, then why would most of those “Libertarians” vote for Republicans over Democrats who better align with those goals? Every time I’ve ever asked a Libertarian when there wasn’t a Libertarian candidate running who they were going to vote for. Or read about such a situation. It’s always been the republican.

    Liberals larping as libertarians say so much contradictory bullshit. Take so many actions against their own stated goals. They say they want those things. Yet they won’t take the very basic goals to achieve them against the actual people responsible for it. Wealthy business owners. They want wealthy business owners to be their rulers. The problem with government isn’t that it exists. It’s that it’s been captured by wealthy business owners. Why do we have so much military around the world? To protect the interest of wealthy business owners. Why do we have so many tariffs in place? To protect the interest of wealthy business owners. Why do we have so many restrictions on immigration in place? To protect the work Supply and low wage Workforce for wealthy business owners. Why do we have so many drugs made illegal. Because it suits the wealthy and powerful.

    And yet these so-called Libertarians would do nothing against those people. The man that coined the phrase Libertarian and defined what Libertarianism is showed what needs to be done. And these so called Libertarians rejected Libertarianism and it’s creator.

  • First that’s not how astroturfing works. Everyone repeating it isn’t being paid to or a bot. Just useful tools. Second I never accused anyone of being Bots Etc. This all comes off as deflection and ignoring what was actually said. Regardless. This deflection illustrates your awareness of it. Despite you’re unwillingness to acknowledge it.

    I’ve never been allusioned with Biden. There was only one Democrat I liked less than him in the 2019 primaries. It was quite a surprise that he far exceeded my low expectations. But he did. Still we are talking fascists, literal fascist. Who’ve already attempted to overthrow the government once. With a literal fucking plan on how to end democracy when they regain power. How are we so focused on the runner-up in a shitty person contest? There is a reason. And no, you will not acknowledge it.

  • There’s a shit storm of astroturfed anti Biden sentiment. You know this, everyone knows this. Knowing that, you should know that there aren’t enough hours in the day to eloquently frame and debate the benefits of Biden. To people who most likely aren’t even listening. At a base level, Trump WILL be worse on all issues. It’s a fact. And if Biden doesn’t win. Trump WILL. Also a fact.

    It’s not a great argument. But it’s the only argument necessary. The fact that you act wounded or surprised by this seems very disingenuous. Why are others obliged to spend their time explaining public knowledge to you? Not to knock those that do just that. It is important after all. But where’s the entitlement coming from.

  • Wrong as always. There’s always consequences. Whether or not you and I think they are worth it. Doesn’t matter. Someone else will make that calculation for themselves.

    For better or for worse, a lot of donors and fundraisers would abandon him. And if you think them abandoning long time substantial supporters. To chase fickle ideologues is a winning strategy that they should focus on. You’re crazier than advertised. There’s a very good reason they don’t generally Court the votes of leftists like us. A huge portion of us don’t know what solidarity, or strategy is. And will abandon them distracted at the first opportunity. We can at best make up a winning margin in some circumstances. But are not enough for them count on to win regularly. And yet. Many of us still act childishly entitled. Further cementing them not supporting us.

    Also not that it should need pointing out. But when Biden was presumptuous enough to even delay the shipment of weapons recently. Both Republicans and Netanyahu together attacked him and act like he done something horrific. Many Democrats support wavering as well as there are far too many zionists among them. Now counting the man who primaried Jamal Bowman.

  • This is actual hardware. Yes simple arm cores can pretty faithfully emulate much of this. But that’s emulation. These are bespoke devices, built from actual old chips. Offering a level of comparability and predictability emulation can’t always achieve. It isn’t for everyone.

    Adrian Black ended up with a non functioning unit sent to him by a viewer that bought one. The seller rather than pay for postage for the broken one to be sent back to China just told them to keep it and sent them a replacement instead. Adrian ends up troubleshooting and fixing it but you can get a pretty good look at everything going on inside and some of the old chips involved.

  • Initially no. It is important to note that their statehood happened just as a the civil war was. And that post Civil War language was put in place to clarify that this was not an option going forward. Though I am not a lawyer myself. I’ve seen a number of lawyers actually versed in the topic discussing this.

    Believe me I would love it if our state spanning metropolitan area could secede from the red States it’s located in. Because we really don’t get representation at the state level. That’s reserved for fascists. But it’s not an option that’s on the table.