I’m talking about the people you call “nazis”, the Nazi party doesn’t exist
I’m talking about the people you call “nazis”, the Nazi party doesn’t exist
Is there a holocaust going on right now?
I use voice dictation so I didn’t type anything out
Sounds about America
You’re right, let’s round up all the “Nazis” and shoot them in the back of the head.
I know… You’re American.
How is it different to say a group of people who believe in a certain thing should all be exterminated, isn’t that what Nazis also want?
You hate liberals because you live in America and are mentally ill.
Oh I’m absolutely defending Nazis here, I’m glad your reading comprehension is on point. I’m sure because I had a different opinion than you, I’m a nazi, correct?
I love how you all hide behind whataboutism, you all have the exact same reaction which is absolutely hilarious to me. It’s all choreographed like a certain “group” y’all hate 😭
How could I forget, anyone who has a different opinion or view than you is a Nazi, very good.
That’s exactly what I said, I’m glad you got it.
Yeah because we are living in a time of concentration camps… and not the most peaceful, least racist time period of history… get lost lol
I can’t 😭😭😭 imagine that talk but about blacks or Jews hahaha y’all are unhinged
Started reading, got to the part where it mentioned Trump and America and exited out. Not everything revolves around you guys.
Not to line them all up against a wall and shoot them.
Maybe make them watch American history X or something, fuck do I know but a solution to hate isn’t more hate.
Got bombarded with hate when I said a solution to Nazis isnt to kill Nazis lol the left are just as unhinged as the right. Most Americans are mentally ill because they can’t afford to see a therapist.
This isn’t political memes
Is that a threat?