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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 27th, 2024


  • Once upon a time, stoves had a dial you set, and it was basically a resistor and some wires. Today, a stove has a computer built in it that operates the entire thing.

    While the computer in a modern oven is simple - it is an illustration that more, and more of what we have is computerized. When you add in reinforcement learning algorithms to adjust factors like say, If the fridge is aware of what time you generally open the fridge it can opt to kick on the heat pump a little before that to bring the temperature down and avoid running while it is open. This could save pennies of electricity in a year. But more importantly - could lead to less duty cycles on the condesor that could cause a fridge to say instead of lasting 10 years, last 12 years.

    If you are starting a car company today, what you have to be thinking about is a reality where we move to “Humans don’t drive, the cars drive you” - I mean even a manual control situation could have the AI actually being a watcher in effect we “Let” people drive, but if the AI detects an unobserved obstacle etc it immediately takes over and adjusts. Well: You need to build that - and that, is AI.

    If a company isn’t thinking about AI, and makes anything but basic appliances - they are likely on a limited time window because at some point Autonomous cars WILL be good enough, and the safety consideration will make both people, and governments, along with insurance companies to eliminate human driven vehicles.

    Apple isn’t looking next year, or a year after. They are looking 5 to 10 years out and they don’t see a path where they can effectively compete in the car industry and make the profits they are after. However, if they can solve the AI driving problem - they don’t NEED to make a car, they can sell the brains and system that drives the car.

  • Just to be clear: These issues largely are relevant for a LOT of Western Nations, so Here we go:

    1. Stop Printing Money

    If you can’t afford things, paying your mortgage with a Credit Card is a bad choice - it will get way worse, way faster. Printing more money with Government Bonds is absolutely skyrocketing inflation, and trying to print more money to keep this thing going is going to get extremely bad, extremely quickly and it’s already bad - like really bad. It’s time to start pulling in the belt and looking to cut.

    In Ideal - the money supply over the next 10-20 years needs to drop by around 50% if not 75%. That would induce negative inflation: MAKING THINGS AFFORDABLE FOR AVERAGE PEOPLE WITHOUT HAVING TO FIGHT WITH INCREASING MINIMUM WAGE. And ya - the Neoliberals and NeoCons will fight you tooth and nail. And hell, the NeoMarxists will probably complain because you are making their job of convincing people “Capitalism = evil, Socialism = Good” really god damn hard. And I say: If you piss certified mainstream economists off? You might be on track for something good.

    1. Reduce Outbound Spending

    The Amount of Government Beurocracy growth there has been in the last couple of decades? Simplify the laws, Simplify the codes, make it easier to file taxes for the average person. This will reduce the cost of operating these agencies - and in some cases? Reduce it by A BLOODY TONNE. It will also reduce lawsuits relating to these issues, which again: Saves money.

    Beyond this (this is america specific just to be clear): Start closing down foreign military bases. If you have 5 bases in a country, cut it down to 4, or even 3. Use the savings to pay your service members you have better, improve recruitment programs, and cut some of the spending. Be selective in where you do this - but signal to the world that you need to be efficient. Nations need to invest in their own defence.

    1. Stop the Immigration Insanity

    In the US: The issue is largely Illegal Immigration. In Canada: It’s Legal Immigration rubber stamped by a Government that seems hellbent on destroying this nation for the sake of virtue signalling. And people are fed up with it.

    Beyond this: If an immigrant breaks the law? expel them from the country, give them a 5 year ban from entering, and call it a day. For Permanent residents - have a warning system: Minor infraction? Warning, Warning, Expel. For Criminal activity - revoke the permanent residency and boot em out immediately. Don’t spend money on imprisoning them: Just kick them out of the nation.

    1. This is American Specific by the way: ID for Voting

    I’m sorry but: Basically every developed nation has this. Democrats need to get overthemselves and implement it. Otherwise, what it looks like - true or not - is that Democrats in certain area’s want Illegal Immigrants to be able to vote.

    You know who managed to do about half of this? Trump. Want to know why there is a rather large section of people who are going to vote for him? Because of this.

    You know who the mainstream media hates? Trump. You know who the mainstream media has vilified for like 8 years straight at this point? Trump.

    Run someone, run a platform with these points being true and you will win the election. And probably by a bloody landslide.