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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023


  • Hacksaw@lemmy.catocats@lemmy.worldCat distribution
    4 days ago

    I think the owners assume that no one has been a dick in the last 5 years, and hope it means no one will be a dick for the next 5 either. It seems like you’re getting close though so maybe take a different road so you avoid the temptation of stealing a cat since it seems unusually strong in you.

  • Hacksaw@lemmy.catoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldVery thankful
    8 days ago

    Yeah. I had a dad that didn’t get laid too. Sex is in the bottom layers of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, then intimacy is up higher as well. If you’re not getting these things you’re not going to be able to hide them. Your kids won’t know why until they’re much older WHY your not happy, but that is a sadness of the soul that nothing can hide.

    You ever see one of your friends the day after they get laid and you just know. That’s a kind of joy from having your needs met that you can’t fake.

    You’re teaching your kids it’s OK with someone who doesn’t meet your needs. It’s not.

    Be with someone who makes you happy. Let your wife do the same. Show your kids what a happy marriage and happy parents look like so they can model their relationships that way. Don’t continue the cycle.

  • I’m not sure there are people so unrecoverable that they need a lifetime in solitary. I’m fact I’m not sure how you pass the cruel and unusual criteria with that. Even in super max prisons for people who WANT to go out and kill strangers for example, they are able to regularly socialize and exercise and have mental stimulation. So no I don’t think there are a lot of people where spending extra money to kill them would be “more humane”. Seems more like a straw man/hypothetical than a practical reality.

  • Holy fuck. I didn’t say criticism of the democratic party is automatically a right wing tactic. Get some goddamned reading comprehension. I swear you’re just trolling me at this point.

    In case you’re not, I’ll give it one more shot. I said there is a specific right wing effort to get left wing people to not vote by calling out issues where the Democrats aren’t left enough (but where the Republicans are much worse) in order to convince people not to vote. If your posts look like that, for example if you post a typical “genocide Joe” post, you need to be downvoted, because there is no way allowing another Trump victory is the right answer to “the Democrats aren’t left enough”. This in no way stops anyone from posting nuanced criticism or even just “I wish the Democratic leadership had more courage to fight Israel we should support Bernie Sanders’ campaign to withhold funding and petition our representatives to support the motion”. Anything with ANY nuance, or genuine desire for improvement of the democratic party will be VERY different from this tactic. If you don’t want to be downvoted all you have to do is include the slightest bit of additional thought, information, input, nuance or advice. If you don’t, not only does your post look exactly like a right wing voter suppression post, and should be downvoted on that basis alone, but also clearly has no real new thoughts to offer and would be downvoted on that basis anyways.

  • I’m not assuming anything.

    The right is attacking the left to try to reduce voter turnout. They do this by criticizing Democrats for “not being left enough” even though they are the most viable leftish option and the Republicans are worse at that exact thing. They’re doing this all over the world right now but just in the US. We HAVE to stop this attack.

    When you criticize the left for not being left enough without adding nuance or adding that the right is much worse on that topic, you’re either purposefully or accidentally participating in the attack whether you like it or not.

    No criticism, just facts.

  • I don’t agree. A scale has to be useful for separating what you’re measuring. Any scale that puts Kamala as “low” is like trying to measure the size of a banana and an orange in kilometers, they’ll both measure “low”. There is no decent measure by which Trump is anything but scum. Kamala (or just about anyone who isn’t a Trump voter) ranks so far above Trump that they can’t be anything under “excellent” on a scale designed to meaningfully compare these candidates.

    Obviously the scale we should be using for our politicians SHOULD be better, and that’s because we should have produced better candidates. With the candidates we have, we don’t get to use a better scale because in doing so we’ll be playing right into Republican narrative of “they’re both the same” or Kamala is “low” quality so vote for Trump.

  • But then your comments are identical to those posted by people whose goal is to undermine democratic support through single issues in order to create voter apathy and let Trump win.

    It’s not the message people are downvoting it’s the effect. If you don’t do anything to separate your message from this type of malicious attack, it’ll unfortunately be taken as that.