Caaaaaaats :3
Wow, that is just amazing!! I absolutely love the style.
Close, developing a tool for medical appointment management.
They said something about them not getting paid anyway, blablabla. But I don’t accept that lazy attitude!
She has plenty of warm blankets and cushions right beside her. Just needs to move a meter.
I demand the cat tax!
And here as a bonus: The perfect circle
WAS FÜR EIN ÜBERGANG???! Vor ner Woche hatte es knapp 30° und dann wurden es plötzlich 5.
Das ist direkt von der Badehose in die Winterjacke.
Okay, dann mach ich mir halt Zitrone in den Hopfentee
Ich trinke meinen Kaffee mit minimum 1/3 Milch und mit Zimt+Muskatnuss
Zitronensaft im Beeren- oder Kräutertee ist aber auch echt geil
I tell him everyday :)
I haven’t really had any problems with any sites yet. Except for Google Meet. For some reason it’s totally laggy and sluggish on Firefox but works perfectly on Chrome.
Currently using Firefox since half a year for everyday stuff and work.
Alternative windows logo
The name is Finn, but he is not Finnish though. He is just a mix coming from an Austrian farm.
The first thing I did after getting my work laptop was to install Linux. I am so glad that my work allows it.
It just started going to the gym