You can also revape by turning up the temperature.
You can also revape by turning up the temperature.
Parasite wears green.
The fraud is the person looking for it.
Alcohol is a very effective slow acting poison.
They are known as useful idiots.
Let this be a lesson, if ever arrested. Keep your mouth shut and don’t accept anything that the cops give you.
We desperately need teachers to help their students learn critical thinking.
Is that a Falling Down reference?
Never before have we had such access to knowledge. This must have an impact, preferably beneficial.
Reddit has jumped the shark.
It is as if they are training young people to live in a prison.
Tar and feather that fucker.
It is a process where they record with a camera and then illustrate over it. Ralph Bakshi rotoscoped multiple animations, including, “Wizards” (1977), “The Lord of the Rings” (1978), and “Fire and Ice” (1983).
You can get the soundtrack for free here.
The Spine of the Night, made by the same people, is a full length movie.
How have they “saved” anything?
I work over the weekend.
They call it Right to Work. It’s truly anti union.
Good luck with that.
It might be that “show old posts” is deselected in settings.