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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • If you’re down for a retro RPG via an emulator, Earthbound. The overarching story is about dealing with traumatic events as a child and coming of age while hitting the endearing but quirky note similar to games like Undertale that was a cult classic on the SNES. It came boxed with a full color, complete strategy guide made to look like a travel guide so it’s intended not to be too difficult and really experience the story.

  • It ended up being solid just because of the standard wall thicknesses, but PLA prints are quite strong from a compressive standpoint. That said, I am sure I am not applying the entire 6 tons. I have done similar experiments with a bench vice with similar results too, it’s just a little harder to line everything up give the jaw depth.

  • FFT is a game I have played through 3+ times with probably 1,000+ total playtime and I’ve played all the games you mention. I recommended FFT to a friend a few years ago and watched him play through the first couple missions and it’s easy to forget the difficulty curve of that game if you haven’t played an older style TRPG. A lot of the mechanics aren’t really explained well (stat growth for example), there’s permadeath, a few instances of possible softlocking, and a bunch of really obscure requirements to access some of the content and recruit some of the characters.

    I think it suffers from sequel syndrome where the newer TRPGs have better quality of life aspects to them. That said there are rumors of a remake that maybe will address some of that.

  • Sometimes the doctor will write something in latin abbreviations so you have to translate that and write it out in plain text but you typically want to make sure the entire directions can fit on a single label. If you just say “see attached directions” then you may not get paid for the prescription if their insurance audits it they will take back any payment they gave to the pharmacy because you dispensed incorrectly. They may also just write something unhelpful like, “as directed in discharge paperwork” or “to be dosed by pharmacy” or something really long that can’t easily fit.

    That said it’s been several years since i have been there so there may have been more enhancements.

  • I have worked in a CVS so I can answer this first hand. The main reason is every CVS is critically understaffed to the point of danger to patients.

    Beyond that systemic problem that adds delay, actually dispensing the prescription is not the rate limiting step. When you get a prescription there’s a whole list of things you need to do before it can be dispensed. In no particular order:

    1. Select the right drug which seems easy but the prescriber may have used an old brand name, or misspelled it, or put in something that doesn’t exist.
    2. Calculate days supply (easy for pills, not so much for insulin, creams, eye drops, etc.)
    3. Find the correct doctor in the system
    4. Find the right patient’s profile and see if they really fill at your store
    5. Transcribe the directions in a way that makes sense in less than ~200 characters to fit on the bottle.
    6. Check to see if the patient already has another prescription on file they are in the middle of the refills for so you don’t have two active prescriptions.
    7. Check to see the prescription has all the required information on it to be filled based on state requirements
    8. Send the finalized prescription to the patient’s insurance which inevitably is rejected because of some minor issue with any of the above, or it is expired, or requires prior authorization, or they changed their name, or it is too soon, or it’s not the proper moon phase.
    9. Actually fill the prescription which requires finding it on the shelf which is a mess because you fill ~500 prescriptions a day
    10. Scan the bottle to make sure it’s the same as what you billed the insurance, but if you picked the wrong generic brand on the first step you get to start over.
    11. Clean the counting tray
    12. Count the pills
    13. Get the right vial and label everything with the stickers, and if you need more you need to print more out but someone else has a 50 page print job ahead of you and it’s out of labels
    14. Answer the phone
    15. Answer the drive through
    16. Answer the patient at consultation
    17. Answer the patient at the cash register
    18. Send it to the pharmacist for review which is a huge process on it’s own which requires looking for interactions, appropriate dosage, correct drug for the disease indication, and simply reviewing you got everything transcribed correctly which if it isn’t you get to start all over. Plus there are 50-100 prescriptions already waiting for review.
    19. Process a vaccination patient
    20. Add water to a reconstitutable (powder) medication
    21. If Poseidon wills it, the prescription is approved and then you get to bag it, then put it in the right spot in the bins so it can be found.

    If it’s a controlled substance you need the pharmacist to do about 50% of the steps above and access the safe which is a whole process. In the meantime they are on the phone with a doctor or some insurance trying to get something clarified or approved. Or compounding someone’s diaper cream. Or doing vaccinations. Or counseling someone on their antibiotic. Some drugs have mandatory monitoring programs you have to enter information from the doctor before they can be dispensed. Some drugs require a dosage syringe, or intramuscular syringes, or needle tips.

    Suffice it to to say it is an involved process.