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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023

  • Saying “maybe people are the problem” is reductive and unhelpful. But I agree with you broadly, religion is just a system or a tool, it can be used for good or evil.

    To judge if religion is a good system or a bad one, we can use a cost benefit analysis. This is what we have been attempting to do in this thread.

    But when it comes to sensitive subjects like religion, many people have a tendency to avoid, overlook, and deny the associated costs.

  • Anti-science, misogyny, etc may be bad independently of religion, but they aren’t independent of religion. Religion is a source of these problems.

    You can imagine a hypothetical religion that is simply a “social club” or whatever, but here in the real world religion comes with baggage.

    Religion is why my cousin’s children have never seen a doctor in their life. Religion is why my gay friend in high school tried to kill himself. Religious indoctrination has led to lifelong shame and trauma in many of my friends.

    And this was just from a “moderate” sect of Christianity- the millions living under fundamentalist religion have it even worse.

  • The problem is that the Trump and Biden camps set the rules at this debate.

    The moderators were not allowed to live fact check, nor could they cut the candidate’s mic during their allotted time.

    This means that the responsibility of countering Trump’s lies fell completely on Biden. There are so many lies, it would be a difficult task for any person.

    But Biden signed up for this, and he failed spectacularly. None of Trump’s bullshit was effectively countered.

  • If we “all agree” and do a moonshot construction plan we could have electricity in 8 years. This is a fantasy, tho.

    Best case scenario in the real world is operational in 12 years.

    In the capitalist hellscape here in the US, a reasonable expectation would be 18-20 years.

    20 years also happens to be the lifespan of our wind turbines. In 20 years, all of the currently running wind turbine blades will be in a landfill and new ones will need to be manufactured to replace them.

    No reasonable person is suggesting nuclear as a short-term option. It’s a long term investment.

  • Are solar and wind really “clean” energy? Everyone in this thread seems to ignore the costs of these methods.

    Every modern wind turbine requires 60 gallons of highly synthetic oil to function, and it needs to be changed every 6 months. That’s a lot of fossil fuel use.

    Lithium mining for batteries is extremely destructive to the environment.

    Production of solar panels burns lots of fuel and produces many heavy metals. Just like with nuclear waste, improper disposal of these toxic elements can be devastating to the environment.

    Of course, solar and wind are a big improvement over coal and natural gas. I dont want the perfect to be the enemy of the good, I just want to be realistic about the downfalls of these methods.

    I believe, with our current technology, that nuclear is our cleanest and greenest option.

  • But that explanation is lost to time.

    One translation I read suggested a probable explanation.

    Rasputin’s phone advice was the same as many modern quacks: keep the patient away from modern medicine and doctors.

    So the hemophiliac prince was no longer given his normal cocktail of drugs, which probably included a new medicine for the time: aspirin.

    Stop giving a blood thinner to a hemophiliac and his condition (temporarily) improved. The best explanation for the people at the time was “magic”.

  • Yes your quote really drives home my point. They wrote the debate qualifications specifically so that rfkjr wouldnt make the cut.

    From what I understand, he will probably qualify for the ballot in all 50 states. Since this debate is happening unusually early, his ballot access has not been certified yet.

    I dont feel strongly about rfk, it’s probably better for America that he is not on that stage. But this is just one more example of how our two political parties operate in a corrupt, anti-democratic way. They have no principles nor morals, its power politics all the way down.