• 9 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • Your argument isn’t grounded in reality which is my argument, propose a plan that will actually have impact past screwing service workers.

    I’m not sure what your point is with labor demonstrations, those people got change though very bloody(not voluntarily bloody) organized protests, not tipping isn’t even close to an accurate comparison. A little more profit to the working class is a crumlet and just doesn’t do shit for service workers, let’s focus on taking the pie back which again not tipping isn’t doing.

  • This only works in an idealized perfect scenario which doesn’t exist. You not tipping only hurts the delivery driver and doesn’t touch the man whatsoever. Furthermore companies are only required to pay 7.25 federally unless state has other laws, which many don’t. So best case scenario you are bumping people up to 7.25 which isn’t even close to a living wage and wouldn’t do a thing for vehicle maintenance and gas.

    You are welcome to believe that you are sticking to the man not tipping but the reality is that you are fucking over hard working people short term. Even if everyone unilateral agreed to stop tipping it would take years for the system to fully catch up and again you would be fucking them over during those years.

  • Never really thought about this but reflecting back on it nonsexual intimate conversations with women when I was a teen definitely gave me a lot of insights on a woman’s perspective. Not only with friends but cousins around my age too, that was especially great around middle school because I was pretty nervous around girls then.

    That being said I don’t think it will help a ton with getting a girlfriend in the first place necessarily, but it will definitely help once you are in a relationship afterwards and just in any interaction with a woman.

    Successfully starting a relationship is hard as fuck. It’s a mixture of confidence, reading cues, timing, perseverance, and a ton more. The only sure way to learn how to do it is to try, take no for an answer, don’t be pushy, accept rejection it will happen a lot, and TAKE BREAKS. It’s pretty soul crushing when it doesn’t work out and it probably isn’t going to a majority of the time for many reasons. After getting consecutively rejected for so long you can start to develop some negative thoughts. When you start to feel like this just stop trying for a few months until you’re mentally right again.

    All that said I would 100% advocate for having a personal platonic relationship with a woman, it just may not be too helpful in learning how to get a relationship started.

  • Man that is a clean looking ball vape, wireless too, sick setup! I love the way the armored coil looks too, very visually satisfying. I have heard great stuff about the Omega and zeal! I was looking at their website, the kits are a crazy good price. Pretty crazy like 2-3 years ago you basically had to sink $500 or make a DIY. I see sub $300 kits pretty often now! Is this your first baller? I got a pre-order screwball that should be in by the end of the month, so hyped!

  • I’m not sure what the future holds in regards to whether they will try to pursue this again or not, I certainly hope they won’t. This information doesn’t change anything that is going on right now.

    Here is the reason I posted it, I think it will help: There were people online saying that Valve may be the ones who delisted HD2 to protect themselves legally, instead of sony being the one’s who delisted it. This is primary source evidence that it was in fact Sony who delisted it, not Valve.

    We can try to draw conclusions from it and I think it is very strange that Sony hasn’t re-enabled purchasing in these countries now that the PSN requirement has dropped, companies typically try to sell products to as wide of an audience as possible.

    I know that doesn’t directly answer your question but unfortunately I think only time will tell.

    Up until this point I personally haven’t seen Valve or Steam make direct comments as to who exactly made this choice. I may have just missed it but I always look for something directly from the company. I also don’t have knowledge on how steam pushes changes, I think if you have intimate knowledge on that it was obvious? This is also just pulled from a post on Reddit, so it could also be 100% bullshit. To me though this was the first thing I saw that allowed me to start forming an opinion to your above question, without giving Sony the benefit of the doubt. I hate to give that to Sony because I hate what Sony did, but for arguments sake I personally don’t ignore things like that.

    These are my reasons for sharing.

  • The idea was that the weekend of the review bombing AH and Sony weren’t communicating a lot/ didn’t have a plan for countries where the game was already sold but could no longer be played.

    So it was speculated that Valve might have pulled sales because they wanted to protect themselves from any legal repercussions, while all the dust settled. At the very least it would look like they tried to do something if it ever went to court.

    It made sense to me but I live in the US. If you break into someones house here and hurt yourself, the homeowner is liable legally even though the criminal was breaking and entering into the homeowners home. The country is so sue happy that many companies are very proactive on legal matters.