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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • I always thought the reason they don’t take any action, is exactly because adblockers would then work as the guy above described.

    Companies posting ads would eventually become aware, that a not insignificant portion of viewers don’t even see the ads they are paying for. I don’t see how this won’t cause a backlash… i guess youtube calculated that in and thinks it’ll be worth it any way.

  • It’s not like i’d have a choice. I envy anyone who can just wake up during the night for anything short of an absolute emergency.

    When my puppy was smaller and not yet potty trained, i did sometimes wake up to poop on my floor… but i was awoken by my alarm and not by the smell. So I ain’t even noticing pooping or puking in the middle of the night.

  • It was in fact hemorrhaging money. They have been cash flow negative for quite some time now, with steadily decreasing assets. While they recently have been decreasing their short term debts, they have also been accumulating long term debt to such a degree, that in Q1 2022 their cash/debt ratio became negative.

    All this long term debt must be becoming an increasing problem during the current economic climate.

    No matter what you think of Musk, radical changes were absolutely necessary.

  • Schwachsinn. Der Klimawandel wird seit Jahren immer mehr zum hot topic. Das einzige das die Clowns bewirken, ist das Ganze ins Lächerliche zu ziehen.

    Und das Phänomen ist nicht auf meinen Vater begrenzt. Müsste eigentlich jeder vielfach in seinem Umfeld bemerken. Wenn das bei dir nicht der Fall sein sollte (bezweifle ich), lies Youtube Kommentare unter Videos zu der Thematik. Das Einzige das Extremismus bewirken kann, ist weiteren Extremismus auf der anderen Seite zu züchten.

    Du kannst nicht ernsthaft glauben, dass es ne nennenswerte Anzahl an Menschen gibt, die das sehen und sich denken “omg, diese Studenten meinens aber richtig ernst. Vielleicht sollte ich meine Einstellung zu dem Thema noch mal überdenken”… lol