• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023

  • You can now turn on the “autoscrolling” feature of the Libinput driver, which lets you scroll on any scrollable view by holding down the middle button of your mouse and moving the whole mouse

    Am I crazy, or did this used to be a feature? And not just in Firefox

    It’s a Windows feature that never really made it to Linux. I used to miss it but honestly, middle click paste feels way more useful to me now

  • def generate_proof_of_work_key(initial_key, time_seconds):
        proof_key = initial_key
        end_time = time.time() + time_seconds
        iterations = 0
        while time.time() < end_time:
            proof_key = scrypt(proof_key, salt=b'', N=SCRYPT_N, r=SCRYPT_R, p=SCRYPT_P, key_len=SCRYPT_KEY_LEN)
            iterations += 1
        print(f"Proof-of-work iterations (save this): {iterations}")
        return proof_key
    def generate_proof_of_work_key_decrypt(initial_key, iterations):
        proof_key = initial_key
        for _ in range(iterations):
            proof_key = scrypt(proof_key, salt=b'', N=SCRYPT_N, r=SCRYPT_R, p=SCRYPT_P, key_len=SCRYPT_KEY_LEN)
        return proof_key

    The first function is used during the encryption process, and the while loop clearly runs until the specified time duration has elapsed. So encryption would take 5 days no matter how fast your computer is, and to decrypt it, you’d have to do the same number of iterations your computer managed to do in that time. So if you do the decryption on the same computer, you should get a similar time, but if you use a different computer that is faster at doing these operations, it will decrypt it faster.

  • It’s a very short Python script and I’m confident I get the general idea - there’s absolutely nothing related to current time in the decryption process. What they refer to as a “time lock” is just encrypting the key in a loop (so the encrypted key from one loop becomes the plain text for the next one) for the specified duration and then telling you how many iterations were done. That number then becomes a second part of the password - to decrypt, you simply provide the password and the number of iterations, nothing else matters.

  • So I did look more into it, and apparently the open firmware is technically compatible with PCIe cards using this chip, but doesn’t provide any advantages over just wiping the firmware and letting the chip default to its built-in fallback firmware, and so the maintainer doesn’t see any value in explicitly supporting it.

    Now the question is whether you consider the proprietary fallback firmware to be acceptable to run - this might sound weird, but for example FSF has explicitly made exceptions for devices with built-in firmware to be able to qualify for the Respects Your Freedom certification, so if your view aligns with theirs, you might consider this to be completely OK. If not, the free firmware appears to have a similar feature set, you’ll just have to jump through more hoops.

    Also do note that both the fallback firmware and the free firmware are missing many features of the proprietary firmware, so make sure to check it’s not missing anything you need (wake on LAN, Jumbo frames and PXE boot seem like the most notable missing features to me).

    More info on support for various PCIe cards

  • It’s less about the computer and more about the card itself - Talos II and Blackbird both use the BCM5719 chip for their integrated NICs. Basically, you’re flashing part of the motherboard with this firmware. A PCIe card built around the same chip might connect the interfaces in a different way, and firmware doesn’t generally have a way of poking around to find out how everything’s set up from the hardware side of things - it needs to just know this, and that’s why there are separate firmware builds for different hardware.

    If you flash one of these files to that card, it might just so happen to work perfectly, but it most likely won’t. You would need to figure out how it’s wired up and modify the firmware with that knowledge. And then you could use the modified open firmware with that specific card model on any computer that supports the proprietary firmware, because IIUC this is meant to be functionally identical.

    So in short, no, you cannot currently use this open firmware on any computer other than Talos II and Blackbird, but for slightly different reason than you might think.

  • If it is an Arch-based distro (sorry, I don’t recognize the package manager), then this might just be the recent Wine update that made it 700 MB smaller (which would mean the rest of your system grew 300 MB)

    I made a post here about it: this one

    Btw, is there a way to link to a post in a way that resolves on everyone’s separate instance instead of hard coding it to my instance?

  • Also, some programs, such as many terminal emulators, can cache you PW so you don’t have to enter it multiple times.

    Terminal emulators don’t (or at least shouldn’t) do any such thing. sudo itself is responsible for letting you do privilege escalation without password for some time after successfully passing once - whenever you run it and successfully authenticate, it saves your user id, current time and a session identifier (each open shell gets a unique identifier) into a file. Then, when you attempt to do anything, it will check this file to see if you’ve if you’ve authenticated within the last few minutes in this terminal, and only ask for a password if you haven’t.

    For more info, see man sudoers_timestamp

  • Markaos@lemmy.onetoPrivacy Guides@lemmy.oneCookies
    1 month ago

    As others said, configure your browser to store as few cookies as you can tolerate (because some actually useful stuff will break without them) and forget about these banners.

    Although I do enjoy the ones that have actual usable toggles for “legitimate interests” - how nice of them, giving me an option to disable even cookies they can legally store with just a notice, and definitely not just hiding non-essential cookies into a vaguely defined category.

    So I always go through the list and disable them one by one. It does nothing but waste my time, but I do it out of spite. Oh, and when I feel like really wasting my time, I send a bug report to whatever support email I can find on the site, about how the cookie banner accidentally let me disable essential cookies and should probably be fixed.

  • I’ve explained my reasoning for all the points I disagree with. Which one do you have a problem with? CS:GO? The last version of CS:GO is still available on Steam and fully playable, the only missing part is matchmaking servers - you can play with bots or on third party servers without any problems. That seems far from gone.

  • CS:GO got a controversial update and got renamed. Old versions are still available under CS2, you just can’t use Valve’s servers anymore. Playing old versions on private servers is possible. But OK, I give you half a point for this one - you can’t play matchmaking with old smoke physics anymore (but then again, it’s not like it’s the first CS:GO update to change the gameplay in a fundamental way).

    Moving on, Artifact. It’s in my library, ready to be played - Valve definitely didn’t “make me lose Artifact” like you claimed. The community is dead, but there are still 40 people playing right now according to SteamDB and servers are up. One point down for easily verifiable lie.

    And finally, Team Fortress 1. I assume you don’t mean the Valve’s game called Team Fortress Classic, because that one is still available for purchase on the Steam Store and oscillates between 40 and 100 active players at any time. So that leaves us with Team Fortress, a mod for Quake. But that one is available from ModDB without any problems, so… What’s the issue supposed to be, exactly? No points, because I have no idea if there’s more to your claim.

    Hint: blatantly lying about some points heavily undermines the other points you make. So at least try to be subtle.

  • It should not be controlled by a company that is known to make you lose your games.

    Are you referring to the fact that Valve promotes digital game distribution (which is a very fair view), or are you talking about some incident where Valve removed games from people’s libraries? Because if it’s the second one, then I would really like to hear about it.

  • No worries, nothing wrong with not knowing everything about every random subject. I would like to apologize for being overly harsh, I assumed that people in c/opensource would have general knowledge of this definition, but that assumption was clearly bad. So again, sorry.

    I assume the term is misused often.

    Yes, companies sometimes do that. Open source is marketable as a guarantee that you won’t fully lose access to a piece of software, and there aren’t any real consequences of misusing it. But there’s also a scheme called dual licensing where the software is available under two licenses - one license is open source but annoying for commercial use, and the other is a “normal” proprietary license under which businesses can buy the code. This is fine (as long as the provider has copyright to all the code being dual licensed) and is pretty common and makes the software open source.

  • But “open source” doesn’t even mean that you can reproduce it or use it for free.

    You’re thinking of source-available licenses. Open source has a clear and widely accepted definition that requires a certain level of freedom. You’re free to ignore this definition, but you can’t expect the rest of the world to do the same.

    To be clear, open source allows for only providing access to paying customers, but those paying customers are then free to use and distribute their copies without any further payment. Then it wouldn’t be open source anymore.

  • If a thief knows your PIN (by watching an earlier unlock), Android is now requiring “biometrics for accessing and changing critical Google account and device settings, like changing your PIN, disabling theft protection or accessing Passkeys, from an untrusted location.”

    Sounds great for Pixel 6 series with their reportedly highly reliable fingerprint sensors /s

    Honestly, I’m not sure what to think about this - extra protection against unauthorized access is good, but requiring biometric verification with no apparent alternative irks me the wrong way.

    Maybe that’s just because of my experiences with Nokia 5.3 and its awful rear fingerprint sensor with like 10% success rate. But then again, there will eventually be phones with crappy sensors running Android 15.