I should have added, these are UK designed.
I should have added, these are UK designed.
agreed, mine have been great, but when I was buying a few years ago there were lots of fakes on the market.
yup, my goto these days.
you can see treding posts on your instance, or across all instances federated to your instance, they are just not slammed in front of you.
I am a fan of https://www.riut.co.uk/
I use unfi but that’s an American company so not really fitting for these community and why I didn’t initially name them.
Have you tried https://fritz-kola.com/en ?
My (old) ISP provided a fritzbox, one of the best ISP provided routers I have ever used, but if you have the time and money they are better “prosumer” options out there.
The best thing about 1.0 is that it has ported most fo the topalogical fixes from realthunder!
yeah, might just be how the client your using is presenting things.