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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023

  • We stop the horrors by placing stipulations on the aid we supply the Israelis. We stop turning a blind eye to how their extreme right wing factions like Netanyahu’s Likud party use our money and military resources. The United States, Europe and most of Asia are against settlements within Palestinian territories but each year right wing politicians allow or even encourage taking over more and more land. Plenty of Israeli citizens are against the settlements and against the Netanyahu regime so let’s work with them to make decisions that aren’t so obviously provocative to both their neighbors as well as the minority Israeli citizens who also live there. Let’s not pretend Netanyahu’s do whatever he pleases policies aren’t a big part of the anger and aggression we are seeing year after year. Our aid and financial support should be 100% conditional.

  • What are even talking about? I made my point clear that it’s not age alone that’s the issue but when there is age related cognitive decline then it becomes an issue. Do you really not see the difference? I had no problem with Bernie Sanders age because he was a sharp and effective leader who was able to effortlessly convey his thoughts and opinions. Biden is clearly confused and lost half the time. If you’re telling me that you honestly can’t see that then maybe it’s you who isnt coherent enough to matter.

  • MiDaBa@lemmy.mltoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldHoly voting choices!
    3 months ago

    Age isn’t the issue. Bidens age related decline is the issue. If Biden we’re still sharp and responsive it would be a different story but he’s neither.

    The primarys are a Joke anyway. People like Gavin Newsom know better than to run or they’d risk the ire of those running the party.

    Until we abolish the two party system our country is screwed anyway. Neither of the two parties would ever do that so it’s hopeless. Standing up for Joe at this point is just digging our countries own grave.

    Joe is by far the least likely candidate to beat Trump despite the intense propaganda campaign being run right now. If Joe won’t be replaced then we’d better get used to seeing Trump in the news all day every day because that’s were we’re heading.

  • MiDaBa@lemmy.mltoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldHoly voting choices!
    3 months ago

    They knew in 2020 that Joe was slipping but instead of trying to solve the problem then they did nothing but cover up the obvious issues. To go with the metaphor, Alfred was a good man doing the right thing. The modern Democrat party has no Alfred. Instead they now seems to care more about their party’s own power over the actual good of the country. Very few people wanted Joe in 2020 but we were told we vote him in to save democracy and then run someone better in 2024. Now here we are going through the same loop. No, if the Democratic party refuses to run a candidate that the people want then we’ve already lost our democracy. Our two party only system is already a joke and it allows those in power to do whatever they want with the looming threat that the other team will destroy America. I’m sorry to say but the Joker is already in charge.

  • No one is shitting on other people’s choices. They are criticizing a major corporations choices to skimp on specs while charging a premium price. Specs that can’t be upgraded and will absolutely lead to a shorter usable life. I find it odd that people get upset about criticism that isn’t aimed at them at all. The only thing I can think is maybe they realize they were ripped off after putting so much money into Apple products and they need to defend their financial decisions. Even then I don’t fully understand. I’ve purchased overpriced junk many times and don’t feel the need to defend the offending company. Maybe it’s because Apple has managed to make their customers feel like they’re in an exclusive club even though everyone uses Apple products these days. A publicly traded company is around to make money and nothing more. They should never be held in reverence.

  • If you choose to be a weak little quiet corporate Stan then that’s up to you. Apple is well aware that third party apps exist and they’re well aware that machines with less ram will need replaced far sooner than machines with more. RAM is cheap and Apples intigrated memory is no different in the regard. The only reason to use less is planned obsolescence. If you don’t believe that then you’re either Tim Cook or you’re an idiot.