This is not a trolly problem. Insurance companies are companies ir they are designed to maximize profit. That is the problem. The objective of insurance companies is to make a profit not save people’s lives.
This is not a trolly problem. Insurance companies are companies ir they are designed to maximize profit. That is the problem. The objective of insurance companies is to make a profit not save people’s lives.
Just honestly asking Im not a statistician. From a lay person looking high level this seems weird. The conclusion also does not match up with insurance prices that I’ve personally seen nor correspond with my experience.
I’m here for discussion not trying to put anyone down. Could someone just explain to me what I’m missing. No need to downvote. So if you take a non random sample of data how can you extrapolate that out so much? Does this data line up with other people’s data? What am I missing?
There are approximately 250 million cars on the road and they only used data from 8 million? That’s 3% of cars on the road to extrapolate into all the cars on the road. Seems like a huge flaw especially since we didn’t know how they got that subset. All seems like click bait as most articles related to Tesla are…
Another good way / better way to see what cars are dangerous are insurance rates. Since insurance companies take in way more data than 8M cars when determining rates.
Yes, hence my comment. Maybe go back and read (all the words) from the top ;-)
Wait so how is it faulty and bad programming if it disengages when emergency vehicles are present? You’d prefer it to stay on in emergency situations?
Yeah sure if that’s what makes you happy… 👍. Nothing like blinding random people in cars in your spare time.
Ugh I know people feel strongly about FSD and Tesla. As some one who uses it ( and still pays attention hands on wheels when activated) when FSD is active as soon as it sees anything resembling emergency lights it will beep and clearly disengage. I am not sure, but it’s possible this person probably is just using Tesla as a scape goat for their own poor driving. However in my experience it will force the driver to take control when emergency lights are recognized specifically to avoid instances like this.
Sometimes clearing the app data and cache can also help. Not sure if it’s the answer here but worth a try.