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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I fucking hate these people who see Trump who is a huge malignant shitstain and immediately jump to pinning it on my disability and the medication I use to remedy it.

    He’s a dipshit whose point is causing suffering of those he believes deserve it.

    When he trips over his words trying to express those fucked up, poorly evidenced points to potentially well-adjusted viewers, these ableistic fucks go “golly gee, he surely must have a decent point, but his ADHD and/or addy habit caused him to forget”

    the ableism is rampant in this thread holy shit.

  • NuclearDolphin@lemmy.mltoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldSide by Side
    22 days ago

    this rowboat analogy fails because the interest to survive isn’t at odds with anything. America’s dominance comes at the expense of the well-being of most people in most nations on earth. A disaster to this boat would be tragic for those inside, but a blessing to those on other boats who were about to be torpedoed.

  • NuclearDolphin@lemmy.mltoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldSide by Side
    22 days ago

    Trump is sitting here ready to quite literally sell our position to Russia and China

    God, I wish I lived in the reality liberals have concocted for themselves.

    You’re making Trump sound way cooler than he is. He’s a less savvy but more enthusiastic imperialist. Ending American (read white, anglo) supremacy does not inspire dread to anyone but weird xenophobes, financial exploiters of the global south, and weapons manufacturers.

    I’m supposed to think one of the worst war criminals in human history endorsing your candidate is a good thing because their new guy is…checks notes…NOT PATRIOTIC ENOUGH? Is being the more competent pillager supposed to be an appeal?..while rent, food, and healthcare are unaffordable?

    All this rhetoric does is inspires anyone who cares about anything above profit and bloodlust to not vote for your candidate. Meanwhile the people who like this xenophobic shit will vote for the more enthusiastic Republicans.

  • You’re advocating for imperialism.

    You mistake analysis for advocacy.

    If Mexico started making military and security agreements to host Chinese security assets on our southern border, I wouldn’t be surprised if the US took military actions to stop it. I’d fight that decision, but I’d understand why the US made it.

    I simply want the deaths to stop. It is looking like the only path to that is Russia having control over the eastern parts of Ukraine.

    Who would have guessed that sovereignty is violated by war?

    This conflict did not begin in 2022. The western conceptualization of it did, because the preceding events make their current narrative look illegitimate. US foreign policy is to instigate events like these in neighboring states of other regional powers.

    Let’s not forget the US violated Ukrainian sovereignty by interfering in a coup to overthrow Yanukovych in 2014. Was Ukraine sovereign when the US gave intelligence to Svoboda loyalists so they could hunt down the former head of state? Was Ukraine sovereign when Victoria Nuland was ruling out candidates for subsequent heads of state?

    I wish for Ukrainians to live happy, healthy, and long lives free of interference by foreign powers. I understand this to be impossible at present. They will never have an independent state or foreign policy again, regardless of who wins this war.

    You wish for Ukrainians to continue to throw themselves into the furnace to beat Russia. They will have just as little sovereignty, but far more dead Ukrainians.

    I feel so sorry for Ukrainians, especially those who wanted none of this.

  • NuclearDolphin@lemmy.mltoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldJust a reminder
    4 months ago

    The president can only exercise policies to execute those laws.

    From: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2023/02/23/memorandum-on-united-states-conventional-arms-transfer-policy/

    If the United States determines at any time that a transfer is no longer in accordance with United States foreign policy objectives, national security goals, or legal obligations, the United States may cease the transfer of or future support for a transferred defense article or service.

    Biden could act unilaterally here.

    This is elementary school civics in the US.

    Yes, and he needs a declaration of war to go to war. 🙄 Just because your education ended with an elementary school reading of the constitution, doesn’t mean that’s how the country operates in practice.

    “Checks and balances” exist in name only. Sure the supreme court or congress could strike down new social programs, but war and spy powers exist independently from the legislative and judicial branches.