Exactly what I’m trying to do!
Thanks, glad it fits in well enough here <3
That girl who plays Steam Deck a lot
Exactly what I’m trying to do!
Thanks, glad it fits in well enough here <3
Hey, you’re welcome!
Glad you enjoyed some of it :)
Let me know what you think! Hope you enjoy :)
It can, but you’ve got to find the people passionate about it who will make that happen.
These tools are out there now, and others may see how its been done and try use the same technique for other games. Time will tell!
There’s a thread on restera which details every game which is focused on right now - for decompilation projects. Its in this link here:
It’s a great resource to save and bookmark!!!
There’s a thread on restera which details every game which is focused on right now - for decompilation projects. Its in this link here:
It’s a great resource to save and bookmark!!!
Honestly, I have no idea! I was on Lemmy years ago, but only just returned a few days ago, so I’m still re-learning the ropes :)
And thank you for saying so! I have a blast writing these. I plan to do it weekly, so I guess subscribe to this community, and you should see it (hopefully) in just under a week’s time!
You could just follow me on Mastodon too, if that’s easier. I’m sure I’ll direct people over to it when the time comes to post another:
If you’re happy with EmuDeck, and how it performs/where it stores things…then by all means stick to it! There’s no need to abandon one for another. You can always just try RetroDECK, if you have a micro SD card its even handier that way as it will install there. Watch this, just so you’ve got a good idea of things!
As to uninstalling, if you’re dead-set and serious about removing it entirely, then I’m happy to help you via DM if you’d like? It can store data in so many different places, which really made me so cross. I know the spots though, happy to take you through it step-by-step if you’d like. I’m here, and on Mastodon, and Matrix if any of those places work best for you (and, if you do need help!)
Okay, maybe my phrasing was a bit silly!
You’re right, I should edit this and mention that fact! At least its a once-off payment of $5 or so, and personally I’m beyond happy to support devs for their countless hours of work. Esp when it works so well!
But, this is why we’re lucky to also have Heroic as an option!
Keep an eye out for it! It does go on sale quite regularly! It was also given away for free via Epic Games’ weekly giveaways, so if you claim those then you might have forgotten you own it!
In fact using GOGDB you can see just how regularly it goes on sale, and kinda time when it will next be cheap! I can’t recommend it enough, it’s my fav racing game of all, it’s SO pretty on the Deck
You’re so welcome :)
I hope its not too disappointing for you! Either way, I’m glad it now has a good home
The whole thing is VERY easy through Heroic Games Launcher. I’d recommend starting there!
Which ones have you found incompatible?
I haven’t found one which won’t work for me. At the very least, if you run say Steam on your Linux desktop, you can download the offline backup on your games files and then:
But…again I haven’t had any issues. If you can think of a game title you haven’t been able to run by using Heroic Games Launcher, then let me know, and if I have it I will troubleshoot it for you! More than happy to help :)
Then it looks like you’ll be the perfect one to try this new unlocked FPS build of Abuse! You can give a true ‘impression’ on how you found it :)
And thank you for saying so!