Give us a list of a few things you feel you might need OP.
You’re wise not to mess with stocks or crypto, but as soon as you have the income to contribute, consider a Roth IRA, starting as young as you can really pays out later.
wiki-user: Stormcrow
Give us a list of a few things you feel you might need OP.
You’re wise not to mess with stocks or crypto, but as soon as you have the income to contribute, consider a Roth IRA, starting as young as you can really pays out later.
Thanks for all this! I’ll share it with my DM and see what he thinks.
Man so many apps that are showing up as not supported for my phone, this is the third one now, I wonder what it is, besides my phone just being considered “old” by the corporate overlords haha
I did see an app called Roll20, didn’t have what I needed, but I’ll check out the site, thanks!
So for me it’s got a red dragon icon, but I believe we have the same app. I wanted to use this one initially, but it was missing Drow, then I looked in the settings and found I could download a bunch of d&d info and Drow is an option! I think this might be what I use for Android!
A friend (fellow player) mentioned Pathfinder, but the DM wants to do D&D, he bought the books and everything already, but I think if this is a success among the group, we’ll be trying that out eventually.
I read about that somewhere, I’ll check it out, thanks! Can I access the homebrew character on PC as well?
GL.iNet router all the way.