• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • What are your plans when end of life /support comes to Windows ten?

    Switch to Linux and run virtual machines when I need to use Windows.

    Right now I don’t quite have the drive to do it, but an end to support for Windows 10 would push me over the edge. I just can’t stand Windows 11, not even because of all the bullshit but just the way it mandates the UI structure - last time I tried it my dealbreaker was that you can’t just have it always display all taskbar icons, you have to manually force each one to show. If a new icon comes up, it will be hidden.

  • I don’t think Trump is the next Hitler lol Hitler actually had some real carisma and intelligence. Your whataboutism turned into hyperbole is clearly flat and false.

    Incidentally, do you know who it was who coined the term Mainstream Media, in the context of saying “you shouldn’t believe Mainstream Media”? That was Joseph Goebbels. You are literally spouting Nazi propaganda.

    I’m not brainwashed, I try to take in as many sources I can and review them impartially, then come to an objective conclusion. Unfortunately for you, reality and truth skew away from your beliefs.

    Russian collusion has not been debunked. The investigations were quashed.

    Biden is on tape threatening to hold back a billion dollars in aid money if Ukraine didn’t fire a certain prosecutor.

    Yes, Biden was under direction from the President to sort out corruption in Ukraine, where Russia had been funnelling money through Ukraine’s PrivatBank. Trump has been associated with this money laundering, and yet none of it has seen the light of day - the lawsuits in Delaware and the UK were both postponed until after Ukraine’s lawsuit, which was scheduled for summer 2022. This never happened due to the Russian invasion.

    You’re still trying to bring up Biden being photographed at the cemetary while conducting his duties with Trump trying to take photographs explicitly for his election campaign. The two are not the same.

    Most of the military does not support Trump. Hell, most of the US does not support Trump - he has never won a popular vote in his life. You’re pulling things out your ass now, and I can smell that shit well before I can see you.

  • Yeah pretty much.

    I mean I’d just draw back to three things:

    • Ben Gvir was closely involved in the Israeli far right group that assassinated the Israeli Prime Minister in the 90s.
    • Netanyahu previously said that people should give Hamas money, as this would be the best way for Israel to take control of Gaza and the West Bank (and apparently now their eyes are on Lebanon next).
    • For some reason Netanyahu left a skeleton crew on the border, sacrificing guards in the towers, relying on an early warning system with an obvious single point of failure (sole reliance on the cellphone network), on the 50th anniversary of the last Yom Kippur war. Anyone with half a brain would realise that such a calendar date is a time for heightened security, not relaxed. And this is the man who campaigned for office on his ability to provide security for Israel.

  • All you have to do is look at the interviews they do with Kamala or Biden (the very few of them they’ve done) and then listen to the interviews they do with Trump or just about any Republican really. It’s more than obvious.

    If it’s so obvious it should be easy for you to link to such an interview. Ideally, we should have two interviews from the same interviewer, one for either side, then we can determine the bias of that interviewer. Determining bias of the network would require much more evidence.

    every now and then they’ll ask Kamala a tough question, but then she’ll give a completely false answer and they just move on to the next one.

    Trump lies with almost every breath and gets away without fact checking against the vast majority of it. You claim Kamala does this also, but your only example so far has been one where the very network you claim is biased towards her in fact corrected her, at that very moment. They followed up on that. That’s what you said, now you’re trying to claim that they don’t follow up on her gaffes.

    Perhaps it’s a flaw with interviewing in general, because interviewers for sure don’t fact check Trump very much. The fact checking comes after the fact, by other parties. However you can only be biased if you think Trump is fact checked more than Kamala, proportional to the amount of lies either of them make.

    The fact is she makes fewer gaffes, that’s why it seems like they follow up less - there’s less to follow up on, and what is followed up on is usually less substantial. Meanwhile Trump lies all the time, and it becomes so tiresome trying to correct every word he says that most get overlooked, and can only be picked apart by in depth breakdowns that most people don’t have the time to watch.

    If Trump claimed he retired from the military under a rank that he didn’t have, you’d never hear the end of it. Tampon Tim does it and they actively defend him.

    Tampon Tim, lmao, your mask is slipping and you’re revealing how much kool-aid you’ve drank.

    No one is comparing Tim to Trump. People are comparing Tim to Vance. Vice President nominee to Vice President nominee. JD Vance himself tried to dismiss Waltz’s 24 years’ service in the National Guard because he didn’t see combat, while ignoring the fact that Vance was in a PR department of the marines - for far less time - and also did not see combat. Vance’s military career was purely about getting a line on his resume, while you don’t serve for 24 years without some genuine patriotism. Walz suffered hearing damage from firing artillery, meanwhile Vance can’t even claim he developed carpal tunnel syndrome from his military service.

    You also cannot genuinely claim that Walz’s military career is glossed over. No one has challenged Vance’s career up until now, while Walz has faced these accusations and won in spite of them time and time again since 2006. The reason he wins in spite of the accusations is because the accusations are vexatious.

    The argument over Walz’s rank is semantic. He was promoted, it’s just that the promotion was conditional on him completing certain training after the promotion, which he never completed. Similarly, Donald Trump was indicted twice while President, it’s just that his party’s Senate elected not to actually remove him from the office of President. Walz was still promoted to that rank, and Donald Trump was still indicted twice. Walz was essentially offered a job that he eventually did not take up, meanwhile Trump committed crimes but went unpunished.

    Biden was the first to actually use photos he had taken in section 60 in a campaign ad

    Biden had his photo taken while performing his duties as then-Vice President. He later re-used that photo in an election campaign. The photo was taken in 2010, then he used it in 2020.

    Trump brought media with him to take photos during his election campaign for the purpose of using those photos in his election campaign.

    The rules are clear, you’re not allowed to do take photos for the purpose of election campaigning. Biden did not break that rule, he didn’t even arrange the photo. You’re free to take photos so long as it isn’t for the purpose of election campaigning.

    In spite of not breaking the letter of rule, I would agree that Biden violated the spirit of the rule. However, Biden is not running for President now, Trump is, and Trump’s gaffe happened well after he had dropped out. Trump’s getting desperate, and he’s making bigger and bigger mistakes.

    You also cannot say that Biden was at fault and disrespected the military without admitting that Trump disrespected the military.

    Ultimately, it feels like talking to you is pretty pointless. You stubbornly refuse to concede anything, no matter how minor, chasing some proverbial “win”. You’ve chosen to follow your favourite fiction, rather than embrace a search for objective truth. Frankly, I believe that clinging to ignorance, in spite of evidence to the contrary, is the greatest sin a human being can commit. It brings shame to your ancestors, to the good men and women who sacrificed their lives for you to live in relative comfort.

  • Trump secured three pay raises for our troops and their families including the largest pay raise in over a decade.

    Not quite correct:

    Basic pay for the military did increase by 2.4 percent on Jan. 1, 2018 — the largest in eight years. But pay increases are determined by a statutory formula, and Trump in fact requested an amount below the automatic adjustment for 2018. Congress overrode the president’s proposal, and Trump ultimately agreed to fully fund the increase as determined by federal law.

    Trump didn’t secure the pay raise, he wanted to pay them less but was overruled. The other pay raises were also mandatory.

    The increase under Trump was also only 2.4%, and the most in 8 years (not “over a decade”). Meanwhile the increase under Biden was 5.2%, the most in decades, plural, more than 20 years.


    He rebuilt the military after 8 years of neglect under the previous administration with over $2.2 trillion in defense spending, including $738 billion for 2020.

    Spending in defense =/= good for servicemen and veterans. The vast majority of military spending does not go to personnel.

    He created the space force as well which was the first new branch of the United States Armed Forces since 1947.

    Splintering the USAF off and creating the Space Force arguably does not help the country. For one, the organisations’ mandates and domains are so similar that the difference does not provide benefit (NASA covers both aeronautics and space, for good reason). Second, this makes it easier for enemies of the US to determine how much is being inveseted in space activities through separate public disclosures, making it harder for the US to maintain its military lead.

    He vetoed the FY21 National Defense Authorization Act, which failed to protect our national security, disrespected the history of our veterans and military, and contradicted our efforts to put America first.

    Trump vetoed a bill that had an overwhelming bipartisan majority behind it, knowing full well that his veto would be overruled. That’s not a real veto, that’s just for show, just to give him something to complain about on social media. The veto was also an attempt to halt funding to federal agencies, a common tactic of the Republican party, and one that hurts actual service members requiring them to continue working without pay.

    He protected America’s defense-industrial base, directing the first whole-of-government assessment of our manufacturing and defense supply chains since the 1950s.

    Trump also stole classified documents and leaked them to Russia. Him running an “assessment” of US defense supply chains is more about him providing intel to foreign adversaries.

    He also helped our Veterans out by giving them the ability to go to whatever doctor they want to go to so they would no longer have to wait so long that some of them were dying to be seen at the VA.

    He helped the US healthcare industry by giving them more customers and overruled the VA’s pricing system, such that the taxpayer pays more to exploitative corporations.

    And I believe that he would have done much more for our military if he wasn’t being held down by all of phony Russia collusion nonsense.

    HAH. Trump has always been in bed with Russia, this has been public knowledge since the 80s. His young girl talent agencies were involved with Russian human trafficking.

    You’ve got your head buried in the sand. Trump would rather gut and gimp the military so the US can roll over for Russia.

  • No worries, your comment was at least a little more than just a hollow “source?”, as you stated what you were unsure about, so I gave an explanation of why the connection would be feasible.

    It also isn’t really my job to prove my comment, this isn’t a place where people write academic papers that must be cited, it’s casual internet conversation. We’re all on an equal playing field. You have just as much of an obligation to disprove my comment as I have to prove it.

    If I give detailed reasoning, that’s a form of evidence, and you should at least provide counter-reasoning instead of just disregarding it because I haven’t spoonfed you a source. Not that it seems like you completely disregarded it, but you did latch onto the fact that I didn’t do a search on your behalf.

    Appologies if I’m still coming off as a little hostile, it isn’t personal, this is just something that really bugs me about online chat - when someone puts effort in and then others dismiss it without putting any effort in themselves.

    The service has been tested in late 2023 and proven working, at least while the satellites are overhead (at the time there were fewer that had the capability). Starlink also have partnerships with various telecoms companies in countries over the world - the technology will essentially relay from ground based towers on their network to the user via the satellites. They also have no issue turning the system off when they need to as satellites pass over territories, as they have demonstrated over various warzones. However, such a facility could easily be configured to turn on, and even without an agreement from a telecoms company there’s no reason they couldn’t be run unauthorised, like a Stingray phone tracker. This is the issue I’m raising, one that I don’t think anyone else is really talking about yet.

    Here’s an article from 2 days ago that shows the service is already operational for emergency calls in the US: https://www.econotimes.com/Starlinks-Direct-to-Cell-to-Launch-Free-Global-Emergency-Services-with-T-Mobile-1685521 That was the first result in the news banner in a search for “Starlink direct to cell”. Like I say, it really isn’t hard to find the information you’re looking for.