Yea, you’re probably right. I guess I was overestimating the Risk-Reward calculation they go through. Like, if it doesn’t cost much to be compliant (schedule already accounts for inspections, crews are already on salary) then they would be less willing to risk regulatory consequences. But as soon as it starts to cost them more to do so, compliance becomes “nice to have” and not a standard. Recent incidents suggest they have already been skipping steps, so I concede.
Tax companies a % of what they save by reducing head count. Salary, benefits, insurance, everything. They still save $, but not as much - they pay into a fund for UBI. And eliminate loan interest tax deductions for loans (totalling) over $X (some reasonable threshold that doesn’t penalize middle class mortgage holders).
And to the poster above, UBI is for everyone, so those still working get UBI plus a paycheck - that’s how it’s fair.
We are NOT economically prepared for the renaissance coming. And our octogenarian leaders don’t even understand how to set up a printer. Something’s gotta give or the economy will collapse. Some estimates are up to 25% of jobs in the next 10 years.