The president does not authorize spending. He just executes the spending. Congress has power of purse, they are the only ones that can cut funding for Isreal. Which i fully support. I would be happy to cut aid to isreal and increase aid to palestine. Happy to help protect palestinian land from Isreali encroachment. I am an ally you are alienating with your harsh views. We probably agree on a lot of things that would benefit palestine. I think without a practical method to acheive them you will never see your goals fullfilled politically.
Mostly because you voted third party for president not knowing that you meant to vote for congress.
I’m talking about the Continuing resolution. Here have a read and let me know if you want to discuss it. I’m not sure what you’re talking about, but I am certain you have not read the CR, and I’m suspicious you do not understand how government opperates.
I mean guy like its the money trump is using to fund all the executive orders, wtf are you going on about?