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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2024

  • Let me get this straight. When you suggest that conservatives will be abandoned by their families into nursing homes, you are not admitting you see hypothetical kids as nothing but free elder care services, but when I point out liberals will end up in the exact same position because they failed to have children, I am somehow admitting I see hypothetical kids as nothing but free elder care services? That’s some impressive mental gymnastics you’ve done there.

    All I am saying is that while conservatives might be abandoned by the family they have (though this is mostly just leftist cope), liberals will definitely not be cared for by family they don’t have.

  • Do you really think that’s a fair assessment of what “MAGA” have been doing for the past 8 years? Maybe the last 4 years, but they were hardly saying such things when their boy was in office.

    Actually, I don’t care. What I really want to know is what your point is? “They do it, so it’s okay if we do it?” They are, for the most part, a bunch of reactionaries. Trump’s base is largely uneducated, lower-middle-class white Christians who don’t understand why liberals are radically deconstructing Western civilization around their ears and are terrified of the Brave New World liberals are ushering in. They are reacting out of fear, panic, and resentment towards a cultural elite that considers them ignorant rabble that needs to be told to shut the fuck up, rather than educated – and often it appears that the cultural elite doesn’t want to explain itself because whenever it tries, it’s so obviously intellectually bankrupt that even the uneducated rabble can see right through it.

    Shouldn’t you be better than that? Isn’t that your whole premise? That you’re smarter than them?

  • You have that feeling because you haven’t actually read the Bible. The historical books of the Old Testament, Joshua through Nehemiah, are full of stories of God using wicked and evil men to accomplish good things. For example, King Jehu, who reigned in the 9th century BCE, is an example of God using a wicked man for a good end. Anointed by a prophet sent by Elisha, Jehu was tasked with eradicating the idolatrous house of Ahab. He killed King Joram, Queen Jezebel, and all of Ahab’s descendants, fulfilling Elijah’s prophecy and eliminating Baal worship in Israel by deceiving and slaughtering Baal’s prophets. Despite his zeal, Jehu continued in idolatry by maintaining the worship of golden calves, illustrating how God used his ruthless actions to achieve reform despite Jehu’s own moral failings.

  • Do you care to elaborate on how Trump is revenge?

    Starting in the 1960s, this country entered into a “culture war” that is, in many ways, similar to the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century. On one side, you have the postmodern liberal/left, which is motivated primarily by critical theory originating in post-Marxist philosophical movements. On the other side, you have modernist and traditonalist right (i.e. libertarians/neocons and the Christian right (I would be part the later group)). The right has been losing the culture war badly since the 1980s and the left has near total cultural dominance now, and has begun the process of destroying the modernist/traditionalist right through the school systems and its control of media. This has made the right feel utterly powerless and humiliated by the left, and has left them questioning whether the Republicans were ever actually representing them or were just stooges for the postmodern left the whole time.

    Donald Trump is the epitome of everything the postmodern left hates. He’s crude, belligerent, brashly honest about things you’re not supposed to be honest about, but essentially a congenital liar in all other regards. He’s sexist, he’s borderline racist, he’s anti-intellectual, and he’s a rich, powerful straight white man who makes absolutely no apologies for it and is absolutely swimming in unearned privilege.

    That’s why the right supports him. The right isn’t even allowed to question the left’s agenda, it’s dogma. They’re not allowed to participate in politics and culture anymore, they’re only recognized as the “bad guys,” the “enemy.” They feel like the only thing they can do is put a thumb in the left’s eye and make them hurt. So that’s why they are in love with Trump, and not a more sensible candidate like DeSantis. Because Donald Trump’s mere existence makes the left gnash their teeth.

    I think people like that honesty. Nobody wants to live in a rigged system.

    That’s certainly part of it. They do think everyone is as corrupt as Trump, but only Trump is willing to admit it.

    However, (and I think this is the part where you’ll get frustrated with me) he seems to be highly and openly corrupt. I think he wants to make corruption and abuse of power seem normal so that when he does it, he can act like it isn’t a big deal.

    I totally agree. The man is beyond corrupt. I genuinely believe your average family dog has a better understanding of morality than Donald Trump, who may possibly be the most venal, corrupt person to ever hold the office of President. It’s either him or Jackson. As I believe I said earlier, I’m not a Trump supporter. I’m a socially conservative Catholic who is moderate to liberal on economic issues, so naturally I’m very much opposed to the Democrats, but Trump doesn’t really hold any appeal to me (except insomuch as his election might bring Project 2025 to fruition). I’m also Gen X, so I’ve known who Trump was for 30+ years and absolutely cannot take him seriously. But I totally get why the conservative base – which is mostly made up of unideological reactionaries – has embraced him.

  • What’s your point? That I came here willing to argue with you caused lingh0e to fail a basic reading comprehension check?

    You people engage in insults and tone-policing because you’re mindless NPCs whose politics is based entirely on group identification and you’re not actually capable of making real arguments. None of you can actually dig down into your belief system and justify it from first principles, nor do any of you have any real grasp of the intellectual underpinnings of your beliefs, nor are you cognizant of the history that has brought us to this point. You’re just screeching monkeys, flinging shit at things because you’re emotionally agitated. None of you actually thinks. That’s why lingh0e reacted with rage to a comment they didn’t even parse correctly, and it’s why you think I came here “angry” (you’re projecting your own emotions onto me).

  • The policies that stop ICE from seperating families at the border? Trying to end the acts of throwing them in large metal boxes with no water, some dying, in 110 degree heat?

    Are those Democrat policies? Is that what you mean to suggest?

    Or are you thinking of other policies?

    Yes, I was thinking about Democrat policies. And while it’s true that separating families at the border is a policy that began under Obama, I think it’s largely thought of as a Trump policy.

    I meant policies like using mass immigration as a stop-gap measure to deal with the negative population growth caused by liberal anti-family values and embracing globalism to the detriment of American workers (which the right is also guilty of, but Trump is as much a thumb in the eye of the Republican establishment as he is the Democratic establishment).

  • These people today love him like a savior. Which I do not understand.

    It’s very simple. For the last 30 years, liberals have become more and more self-righteous, arrogant, and idiotic in the policies they pursue. You’ve all lost any ability to argue and defend your positions, relying on cheap tactics like name-calling to mock, deride and dismiss the right without actually defending your increasingly insane positions. You’re all so far up your asses, so bigoted and condescending, that it has become impossible to have any sort of political dialogue.

    They hate you, they can’t reason with you, they can’t even get you talk to them without calling them fascists and bigots, all while you ignore the harm your own policies are causing. Donald Trump is your punishment. The people don’t love him a savior, they love him because he’s a giant middle finger in your face, and it makes you throw a temper tantrum.