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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 19th, 2023


  • Gender, or at least the current western prevailing idea of gender as something innate (with an internal locus) is an oppressive construct of social control. It prevents social cohesion and solidarity. Because how can I as a white transfemme demisexual aromantic oceangender individual understand your experiences as a black transmasculine forestgender cat-boychick?

    Only when we accept the biological reality of two sexes, and the reality of free will and freedom to express ourselves, can we move past sexism and more importantly capitalism.

    99.9% of this planet toils in agony so that less than a million of super-privileged people can live in luxury. That’s the problem, it’s the ONLY problem.

  • I am not transphobic. I believe trans people should have free access to whatever they need to live as the sex they identify as.

    The fact I don’t believe you’re some special class of being because you’re “neither male nor female” doesn’t make me transphobic. It makes me a person with common sense and eyes.

    And also, the kind of homophobes I deal with as someone who lives in a European periphery country are not ones to be swayed by someone’s opinion on gender. They want all LGBT dead.

  • I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have mocked your autism. It’s just that your username is very funny.

    Gender abolitionism isn’t compatible with non-binarism (binarity? binarydom? binaryness?) because non binary genders rely on the gender binary itself to express themselves. I’ve read many non-binary people talk about how this action or behavior makes them feel more masculine, but these other things make them feel more feminine. It seems that to be non-binary is to be always obsessed with gender perception. How is that abolishing gender when you’re still describing everything in terms of masculine and feminine-coded behaviors?

  • Being LGBT myself, I have grown increasingly annoyed and distraught at the inclusion of weird marginal gender issues into the fight for gay rights. I’m very sorry, but my country doesn’t have a Supreme Court that can just legislate gay marriage. If I ever want to be able to have a family, I need to convince people around me that gay people are normal working people who deserve rights like everyone else.

    I am sorry but there is no such thing as non-binary gender. There’s no such thing as gender either, there are sexes and then there are cultural expectations built on top of this sexed reality. You can call this gender if you want, but if you do, then the clear progressive and leftwing thing is to do away with gender because gender is a system of exploitation and discrimination. The proper thing to do is not to expand and reify gender.

    Oh, you’re a boy who isn’t into sports and cars? Like dolls and fashion? You must be an egg waiting to crack or at least non-binary.

    What if instead we could all be men and women, but be men and women in any way we want to be? Without any expectations, without toxicity, without alienating each other? That’s only possible with gender abolition.

  • What kind of response do you want? You’re telling me I’m some Hitler-loving maniac just because I don’t believe in non-binary genders? Just because I am on the (correct and true) feminist position that gender should be abolished and not reified and expanded into a million new categories that only serve to alienate people from each other and confuse everyone.

    Where have I even implied that queer youth should be excluded from attempts to help the homeless?

  • The problem with Lemmy isn’t that there are too many leftists around, it’s that most of them are of the annoying kind.

    Most users here are either college students or antiwork-style semi-employed NEET-adjacent individuals whose entire worldview is based on Tumblr and TikTok memes. They really think that some online pundit/influencer with the “correct beliefs” on the “current thing” is closer to them and more of their ally than actual working-class proletarians who may for various reasons, have problematic attitudes and beliefs.

    That’s of course, without getting into what the latest crop of online leftists even considers problematic. For whatever reason, while the planet is dying, while people are still hungry, while homelessness is rising in the West, they’ve decided that the right of fat gay men who like to wear make up and dresses and straight women who are not satisfied to be low on the oppression totem-pole to call themselves a gender category beyond any human comprehension (non-binary) is the single most important issue affecting global society.

    If one should disagree with gender ideology, they need to be killed because they’re a fucking Nazi and definitely not a good fucking human being.