Yeah but you should see our discord servers, boards, hashtags, and subreddits (previously: forums, irc channels, and Usenet)… talking about migration here from what is likely a much more diverse pool of people
I just. The girls are always fighting basically. They might not be fighting here right now. But if you bring the girls the fighting begins over like fuckin’. The most petty stuff you’d be amazed if you’re not trans yourself
Anyway I made a post on blahaj.zone we’ll see if they’re open to it especially as a first landing zone for Reddit refugees
The trans community is very diverse and many subcultures develop within it. Blahaj memes are just sort of like a marker of one of those subcultures (“Reddit sapphic skirt goes spinny” vibes) which is not bad but doesn’t come off as particularly general purpose (and maybe that’s by design). That said, maybe we can work something out.
It’s a nuanced and very “online trans discourse” topic basically. I’m afraid to even write this, lest it be interpreted as me “picking sides”. But I would add it’s just another iteration of the same stuff people have been arguing about in Usenet communities since the 90s.