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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • curiosityLynx@beehaw.orgtoich_iel@feddit.deich_iel
    8 months ago

    Kann nicht bestätigen. Bin Kerl, würde höchstens vorgeben, mich zu freuen und es dann dem nächst besten Biertrinker weiterverschenken.

    Ich hab alle möglichen Arten Biere versucht, von Ale zu Lager, Weissbier, Imperial Stout und alles dazwischen und drumrum. Ich mag den Geschmack von Bier/Hopfen einfach nicht. 😐

  • Ich weiss nicht ob ich je eine passendere Antwort auf so etwas gesehen habe als der Gesichtsausdruck des Mannes in diesem Bild. Das ist kein blosser WTF-Ausdruck, das ist ein “meinem Hirn ist der Sicherheitsschalter rausgeflogen beim Versuch, den Idiotielevel des gehörten einzuordnen” Gesicht. 🤣

  • curiosityLynx@beehaw.orgtoich_iel@feddit.deich_iel
    10 months ago

    “Die Welt ist eine Scheibe.” Gleichzeitig selbe Person: “Echsenmenschen aus der inneren Hohlerde”

    Auch die selbe Person gleichzeitig (zu Corona-Zeiten): “Wir werden gezwungen, Masken zu tragen, um uns unserer Persönlichkeit zu rauben und uns gefügig zu machen.” & “Frauen sollten Burkas tragen, das ist gut für sie”

    Auch die selbe Person: “Ich scheisse nur wenn ich unbedingt muss, weil es sich anfühlt, als werde mein Arsch vergewaltigt” (ursprünglich wahrscheinlich “schwul” angefühlt und sehr homophob, als er das gesagt hat schmerzhaft wie sau)

    k.A. wie diese Ideen nebeneinander existieren können

  • curiosityLynx@beehaw.orgtoMemes@lemmy.ml¿¿Que??
    10 months ago

    The higher pitch for the entire sentence is another option in my Spanish, but indicates outrage.

    The version where you hear it’s supposed to be a question from the word “dijiste” is more of a request for information, like if your mom yelled something and you’re not sure if she said “No me molestes” or “No te sorpreses” or something else that sounds vaguely similar or if she was actually yelling at a fly that was going on her nerves.

    The sentence overall becomes more melodic, with the stressed syllables getting a higher pitch and more defined stress.

  • curiosityLynx@beehaw.orgtoMemes@lemmy.ml¿¿Que??
    11 months ago

    In spanish questions intonation changes occur only on the last word(s), not the whole sentence. I’m not a linguistic, but I think it’s so you can be sure a sentence is a question from the start.

    That might be the case in the dialect you’re familiar with, but “¿Me dijiste que no te moleste?” has a different intonation to “Me dijiste que no te moleste.” in my Spanish (starting from “dijiste”).

    As for English, questions normally start either with a question word or a (auxiliary) verb, while affirmations normally start with the subject. See “You told me not to bother you.” vs. “Did you tell me not to bother you?”. Using just intonation is possible (“You told me not to bother you?!??”), but when in writing, it’s usually formatted in a way that highlights it because it usually indicates outrage/disbelief.

  • Just recently I got a job offer where I had clearly stated I’m willing to work a maximum of 80%. When I went there to take a look before committing to it, they mentioned that because of the high amount of orders they have, they need everyone to put in an extra hour of work every day for the foreseeable future and I’d be expected to do the same.

    My thoughts: Hey asshole, I even told you I’d prefer 75% and that the maximum of 80% is for health reasons, and you’re here trying to push it to 90% on the sly?

    Obviously I rejected the offer. And then they had the gall to report to the unemployment office that I wasn’t willing to work the 80% they advertised as their minimum.

    Edit: Good news was that I was able to land an all around better job just two days later.