Your boyfriend is right. Unless one of you has an in-demand technical degree or a lot of money, immigration to Western countries is going to be out of reach. That leaves you with weakened economies which are either already authoritarian, or trending authoritarian. Even if you could get to a place like Europe, far-right parties emboldened by their new U.S. support are rising in popularity and receiving centrist support in places like France and Germany.
There is no green field to relax in while the rest of the world collapses. You’ll have to fight to prevent the slide to fascism wherever you go.
Not a nationalist, I find this a terrifying thought, but 100%. Unless action is actually taken in the U.S., I don’t think the West stands a chance. China is already in a much stronger position than I think many Westerners realize, they made tremendous gains during the last Trump presidency. If Trump really does cling to power for the rest of his life, I think we’ll see a world where SA, SEA, Africa and parts of Europe are all completely economically reliant on China.