“I’m knittin’ like a fuckin electric nan”

  • 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 15th, 2022


  • electric_nan@lemmy.mltoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldmeme
    1 day ago

    Please take a deep breath and realize how absolutely pathetic it looks when you can’t accept that supporting genocide is immoral, or that Biden’s appearance can be explained by him having a cold. No “tanky” on Lemmy gives a single fuck who you do or don’t vote for. You’re frustrated with the wrong people.

  • Hey I like SciFi too, but we have pressing issues right here on the only planet we know for a fact that can support life. If we get that fixed, we have until the sun explodes to figure out terraforming other planets. The bottom line is that one issue has a looming deadline, and the other does not. It’s a misallocation of resources to entertain the latter before solving the former. Reminds me of a Vonnegut quote I read the other day: “another flaw in the human character is that everybody wants to build, and nobody wants to do maintenance.”

  • Thanks for the links. There’s some new information in there that I’ll have to look further into. For one, I’ve never heard of security concerns about 5G versus 4G.

    I also wasn’t aware of the TMSI at all. I still don’t fully understand some things about it which would be important considerations:

    How is this randomized number assigned/correlated to the IMSI? Is it done by the tower?

    It seems like the carrier can request the actual IMSI at any time. Can these CSS also do that? TMSI is supposed to protect against ‘eavesdroppers’ but these industrial a grade CSS might have greater capabilities than passive eavesdropping.

    I am unsure if or how disabling roaming would protect you from CSS. For one, the spoofing might make your device think it isn’t roaming. Secondly, the CSS might still be aware of your device anyway, even if it doesn’t establish an open connection to it. The phone and the tower need some minimum communication to even determine if you’re roaming or not.