I live in the city, but with the ebike I now can also go to the surrounding country side. I still like the helmet there, because shade for the head and a lot less sweat in my face. And it’s not a high end helmet, it is a cheap one from Aldi.
I live in the city, but with the ebike I now can also go to the surrounding country side. I still like the helmet there, because shade for the head and a lot less sweat in my face. And it’s not a high end helmet, it is a cheap one from Aldi.
I’ve been riding bikes for more than 50 years and never wore a helmet. Now I got an ebike - and a helmet. And I actually like it. It provides a bit of shade, the airflow is still good (it has many air holes), and it keeps almost all sweat from running down my face.
Oh, thanks, now I see.
You cannot plug in any old power source, but you can with special micro inverters.
The vertical bar (pipe) and broken bar are not the same symbol. Wikipedia has a whole section about it (“Solid vertical bar versus broken bar”). Only the pipe character can be used for pipes in Linux/Windows/Mac terminals.
Es sind auch Dörfer dabei, siehe -ingen.
Imports of cereals, oilseeds and derived products from Russia and Belarus are just about 1 percent of the overall size of the EU market, with domestic suppliers providing the bulk.
So why is it not 0.0% already?
BirdNET meint auch Rotkehlchen (sehr sicher).
Apparently it’s only bad for Mexicans:
Using those figures, the murder rate of U.S. citizens in Mexico was around 0.26 per 100,000 visitors, significantly lower than the rate in the United States.
If you can’t guess it, you could read the first sentence of the article.
„Ein Kilo Kakao ist knapp drei Euro teurer als noch vor einem Jahr. Was das für die Herstellungskosten einer 100-Gramm-Schokoladentafel bedeutet, die zwischen 35 und 70 Prozent Kakao enthält, kann sich jeder selbst ausrechnen,
Na da halte ich aber dagegen.
Besonders im Sommer fängt der Sack dann an zu stinken, und dann möchte ich ihn weder in der Wohnung noch im Keller haben. Also spüle ich die Sachen kalt aus.
As I understand it, this European Court of Human Rights has nothing to do with the EU.
This article is about the international court of the Council of Europe (not of the European Union). For the EU’s judicial branch, see Court of Justice of the European Union. For the supreme court of the EU in matters of Union law, see European Court of Justice.
Everybody and their grandma is in the Council of Europe, except for Vatican City, Belarus and Russia. And the UK was a founding member of the Council of Europe, so their leaving the EU shouldn’t change a thing regarding this court.
Why not for the UK? It’s a founding member state.
The court has jurisdiction amongst the member states of the Council of Europe which includes almost every country in Europe except for Vatican City, Belarus and Russia.
Was für einen groben Unfug hat sich der Bot hier ausgedacht?
und /Location
müsste in spitzen Klammern stehen, also Kleiner- und Grösser-Zeichen.
Edit: das hat Lemmy jetzt bei mir auch wegzensiert, obwohl ich es um 4 Zeichen eingerückt hatte. Dieser Bug ist schon bekannt.
Das kannte ich auch nicht.
Warum darf’s keine Nano-SIM sein? Du kannst sie bei Deinem Anbieter wechseln lassen, oder Du kannst sie auch selber zuschneiden.
From Wikipedia:
The source article is from 2003.